Kathleen Ginn, Developer of Rapid Sensory Learning & Conscious Creation
I was asked to review this book, despite the fact that I focus more on educating adults on how we learn so that they may in turn be able to inspire their children or for adults who have low self esteem and need to start learning in their work environments. Why? I believe because no matter what age you are, the key thing is to understand that true learning (or mastery) requires certain skills to be developed within the mind/body.

And what I like about the more modern era of education is the demonstration that in the years past there are educators who don't subscribe to the “accepted norm' and who are willing to develop the innate potential in the little people in a creative manner and way. Marlene Rattigan is such a person.

The first thing you notice about this book is part of the title states “learning through drama, dance and song”.

For me, this is key when it comes to learning, because the primary learning sense is auditory and the fact is that no matter what skills, talent or ability you have it has come about through the actions of practise. By combining the auditory with the kinaesthetic sense and intelligence, the children are encouraged to create neural pathways that develop co-ordination, spatial awareness, respect for their bodies, better memory and an ability to master information and tasks in a single unit.

I believe the uniqueness of the author's approach to learning is by using combined senses and intelligences to help children have fun with learning, to grow confidently as a person and to encourage good development of neural pathways which are essential in our mind/body co-ordination later on in life. Children love being involved and listened to and this book has some excellent practical examples which will allow this to happen.

However most importantly the methodology used by Marlene understands the importance of an integrated approach to create balance within motor skills and memory function. True learning is more than photographic memory, it is when the information becomes us and that is where drama can fire up our imaginations to play a part. Every philosophy from around the world tells us that our thoughts create our reality and even Einstein acknowledged that imagination is more important than any other skill in learning.

This book offers any educator and parent a chance to actively engage a child's imagination, sense of play, sense of fun and natural curiosity whilst learning to develop memory, spatial awareness, co-ordination, body awareness and the importance of relaxation.

Recently at the University of Westminster where I have been carrying out some research on the Rapid Sensory Learning programme, we discovered that more than 63% of the students were kinaesthetic dominant and yet were learning in highly auditory/visual environments. Educators like Marlene Rattigan, should be encouraged to share their knowledge and information because by using multi-intelligences in the classroom and encouraging children from a young age to use their imaginations, to become aware of their body and the necessity for listening, participating and knowing that they are a success because they tried something new, will I believe reap extra-ordinary results in the future citizens of this glorious planet we live on. I will certainly recommend this book to nursery school educators and parents with young children.
Guest | 01/06/2006 01:00
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