David Slater, Hypnotherapy Association
Humour? In a text book ? Yes, for certain. One piece that amused me was the case notes of a promiscuous social worker who, in English jargon, had the veritable gift of the gab. Sometimes Erickson found it hard to get a word in edgewise. In the end he said

” Sit down, shut up and don't you dare to open your mouth!”

All this as she entered the consulting room , mouth open ready for the words to flow. I have to admit I have never had the nerve to be quite so blunt with my patients !

Since reading the book I have made a lot of use of the section on Weight Control ( Utilization of Hypnosis). My own personal results with patients have improved. The section on Smoking is also well worth reading. Nothing earth shattering but so immensely readable and useable

The whole of this chapter, Utilization of Hypnosis, is excellent in every way and could well have made an excellent book on its own; it is so useful.

I do nothing else but recommend this book to you. The second edition is certainly worthy of purchase ( even if you already have the first). The editions and revisions make what I considered to be an already excellent book, even better.
Guest | 13/12/2006 00:00
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