Product reviews for Social Panoramas

Susi Strang Wood
A Book about patterns in unconscious social thinking and cognitive therapeutic interventions to improve human relationships in the broadest sense

Written by Lucas Derks a social psychologist, who became fascinated by modelling the core principle of Neurolinguistic Programming he evolved a qualitative ” quantitative type of research which he calls “population modelling'. Closeted with psychotherapy client's who had social problems, he developed the Social Panorama Project.

The book is aimed at coaches, therapists and counsellors, and the cover suggests a wide range of new tools to solve client's relationships focussing on social cognition in the client's inner world.

Written more like a research thesis, the book lacks a user friendly access to its methodology. Wordy, and with no real stimulus to persist in gaining entry to it's “tools', I would be more curious if I had a research and psychology background than a holistic psychotherapy and medical experience. This book may well contribute in the field of wooing psychologists into NLP, and not the other way around.
Guest | 29/12/2004 00:00
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