Our authors and publications are featured in Teach Secondary

Thursday, 5 September 2019

‹Featured in issue 8.6 of Teach Secondary are: 

'If you believe that developing resilience in your students will lead to success, then think again - because the truth is, it's entirely the other way around...' David Didau.

'Results matter, of course - but when school leaders play the league table game, they risk causing untold damage to the young people, and communities, they serve...' Vic Goddard.

"We know how and when to pass the ball. Teacher expertise goes beyond mere subject knowledge, says Darren Mead - and it's time we celebrated it..."

Making Every Maths Lesson Count by Emma McCrea is feature in the 'off the shelves' section. "Brilliant titles for you and your students to explore."

"Everybody got it? Students are rarely the best judges of what they actually understand, which is why we need clear strategies to find out what they really know, insists Emma McCrea."

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