
15-Minute STEM Book 2 has gone to print!
10 November 2020
‹Find out all about 15-Minute STEM 2 here.
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Oops! Audio Book - available to order.
09 November 2020
Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally is ready!

This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It™s about the dance that happens behind positive engagement - the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen - and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students.

Order your copy here.

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We all live in a yellow submarine
06 November 2020
'‹With the pandemic throwing up huge challenges for school leaders, styles of leadership may need to adapt for the best chance of success, say Wellington College's deputy head (teaching staff development) Katy Granville-Chapman, and head of economics Emmie Bidston.' Read the full article on page 22 of Independent Education Today's digi-mag.

Katy and Emmie discuss the importance of knowing, loving and inspiring your people further in their book Leader.
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Love Teaching, Keep Teaching has gone to print!
06 November 2020
To pre-order your copy or to find out more about the Love Teaching, Keep Teaching, click here.
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What is School for?
05 November 2020
What is school for?

'This question is a fascinating one. Partly because you rarely hear it asked, but also because of the duality of its purpose. On the one hand, it could be a philosophical question, designed to elicit and explore ideas from those aged four to 94; on the other, it could be a question aimed at those in overall charge of its implementation.'

You can read the full article here. Find out more about Richard Evans' new book Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy here.
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Reducing Teacher Workload in Schools
05 November 2020
'In this episode, our experts discuss workload and work/life balance in schools, looking at the major threats to teachers' wellbeing and practical solutions for schools'. Listen the the podcast episode here.

Find out more about Peter's forthcoming book Love Teaching, Keep Teaching here.
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