
Chess Improvement has been reviewed!
16 November 2020
"Barry Hymer and Peter Wells™ thoughtful book should be a useful resource for chess players of all strengths who are seriously trying to upgrade their results and ratings, for promising juniors, and for their parents and coaches. It can also prove a spark for players whose results are static and who seek a more positive and systematic approach, a different mindset."

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Another brilliant review of Chess Improvement
16 November 2020
'My son, Thomas, is passionate about chess and we have found Chess Improvement a really useful book. The concept of a growth mindset is so important in the development of children, particularly now as they grow up in an uncertain and competitive world. It is therefore really interesting to see the concept specifically applied to chess, an area which has not always focused on the emotional and psychological side of things. The examples in this book are practical and easy to follow, even for a non-chess-playing parent “ particularly those around rankings, dealing with losses, and helping children who are perfectionists.'

Click to find out more about Chess Improvement.
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Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy has been reviewed!
16 November 2020
The following points are taken from UKEdChat's review:

  • Passport-based resources support students to master the basics of school life.

  • A powerful tool to assist in engaging pupils in meaningful discussions that will help develop their self-efficacy, motivation and specific skills for successfully engaging in the world of school.

  • An essential book for educators who want to support students become more emotionally literate.

Read the full review here.

Click to find out more about Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy.
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Keys to nurturing more grounded children
16 November 2020
'If only there was a key. We could just keep going back to Timpson™s, £4.95 a pop until one had been cut for every child. Alright, there™d be a queue but it™d be worth waiting for. ˜George, you go and look around GAME; I™m off to buy you some balance and sense for under a fiver.™ Although, if every child was grounded “ as in the more together and balanced variety, not the home-tied one “ where would that leave us? Swamped in so much groundedness that we™d all be making vomit impersonations at all the sickly-sweet, emotionally rich conversations wafting around school, and having to retire half of our mentors.'

Read the full article here.

Click to find out more about Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy.
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Oops! Audio Book - available to order.
16 November 2020
Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally is ready!

This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It™s about the dance that happens behind positive engagement - the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen - and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students.

Order your copy here.

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The Complete Learner's Toolkit has been reviewed!
12 November 2020
‹Read the full review here.

To find out more about The Complete Learner's Toolkit, visit the book page, where you'll be able to find more great reviews and read a sample chapter.
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