
Bill Lucas in conversation with Guy Claxton and Rachel Macfarlane
03 December 2020
‹Register the event here.

Find out more about Guy and Rachel's book Powering Up Your School.

Find out more about Bill's book Zest for Learning.
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10 Ways to Support Your Team During Uncertain Times
02 December 2020
The tricky element of change management is always about the people. For far too long, many organizations have believed that if the process and the technology are right, the people will follow. However, as we have seen this year, this scenario is rarely the case. For many employees, coming to work provides an important grounding factor in life™s many variances; however, in 2020, this reliable anchor was disrupted. As a result, many people are understandably wondering how to retain a sense of focus and purpose when the future appears so uncertain. Read the full article here.

Discover Chris' book Upskill all about the key to professional growth at work here
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NQT30 offer
02 December 2020
See the list of books here - get a 30% discount on any book included in the list using NQT30 at checkout. Offer expires 31st December 2020.
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Chess Improvement has been recommended in The Times best books 2020 newsletter!
01 December 2020
Want to know more about Chess Improvement? Here is a great review of the book from a parent:

I read Chess Improvement cover to cover in a few evenings and feel I have learned so much about how we learn and improve at anything, including chess. It has also made me consider studying the game a little more, so that I might one day join the local club!

Here are a few of my key summary learnings:  

  • The fixed vs growth mindset tables are a helpful, immersive demonstration that losing a game hands you a learning opportunity “ and that chess should be played, not just won.

  • Active reflection turns experience into learning. So often a child may want to hide their losses from the coach and just examine their wins, thereby diminishing potential learning opportunities.

  • The optimistic advice about sitting down with 100% effort applied, just in case the opponent does not bring the same level of focus, brought a smile.

  • How I wish I had been informed earlier, and so clearly, about the counter-effectiveness of certain types of praise. Beyond the obvious failings of reward systems, I had not seen the damage to intrinsic pleasure in playing, and therefore a brain less open to thinking and learning.

  • To concentrate on good moves, not great plans “ and to see the game as a series of steps. There might always be some promising positions even against stronger players.

Find out more and order your copy here.
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Making Every Geography Lesson Count has been reviewed!
30 November 2020
This book is a pedagogical resource aimed at Geography teachers of students aged 11“18 years. It is written by a geography teacher for geography teachers, in a series of subject-specific books based on the original Making every lesson count by Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby. It is written for the General Certificate of Secondary Education curriculum in the United Kingdom but it is easy to realise the similarities with the Australian Curriculum, and the principles of teaching, according to this book, are applicable anyway. In fact, it is even a little inspiring to read due to the strength and depth of the Geography taught in the UK.

Continue reading here.

Find out more about Making Every Geography Lesson Count or Mark™s new book Powerful Geography, which is due in January.
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Oops! Audio Book - available to order.
30 November 2020
Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally is ready!

This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It™s about the dance that happens behind positive engagement - the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen - and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students.

Order your copy here.

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