
Obstetrics for Schools is now available!
13 April 2021
In Obstetrics for Schools: A guide to eliminating failure and ensuring the safe delivery of all learners, Rachel Macfarlane presents a powerful manifesto for school leaders and teachers on how they can bridge the advantage gap and deliver positive outcomes for all pupils.

Find out more and order your copy here.

Lucy Heller, Chief Executive, ARK:

Rachel Macfarlane™s book is exactly what we all need right now. The perfect antidote to COVID-19 gloom, it™s a stirring call to arms in the fight against education inequality. Macfarlane counters the defeatist acceptance that the education system will inevitably fail some students and, through a series of case studies, shows how it is possible to ensure that every student receives a great education. Accessible, practical and inspiring, Obstetrics for Schools is a great read for anyone who cares about education.
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Don’t judge a book by its cover, or David by his trainers
13 April 2021
˜You have no idea what students are dealing with in their own life. So just be nice “ it™s that simple™ “ Mark Finnis

Read the full post here.

Find out more about Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice here.
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Butterflies and Sweaty Palms is ANLP's featured book of the month
12 April 2021
Read their review of the book here.

Find out more about the book here.
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Impatient to Improve? That Could Be The Problem
12 April 2021
‹Read the blog post here.

Discover Barry Hymer and Peter Wells' book Chess Improvement.
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Harris Westminster head praises Taylor Swift as great philosopher
12 April 2021
I think therefore I am, said Descartes, while Hobbes held that life was nasty, brutish and short. But can their insights match the wisdom of Taylor Swift™s exhortation to œshake it off, shake it off?

The pop and country singer deserves to take her place in the canon of great philosophers, according to a leading head teacher.

Read the full article here.

Discover James' new book A School Built on Ethos.
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Listen to Rachael Macfarlane on the Rethinking Education podcast
09 April 2021
‹Listen to the podcast episode here.

Discover Obstetrics for Schools here.
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