
Middle Leadership Mastery is now available!
12 May 2021
Never has there been a more crucial time to improve middle leadership.

For many years school inspections have focused on data-driven outcomes and the role of senior leaders in driving school improvement; recently, however, the focus has shifted to curriculum and middle leadership. This has left middle leaders under increased pressure to be able to justify their actions and decisions.

Furthermore, to make the best decisions possible, middle leaders need to have a nuanced understanding of the consequences of their actions. In this pragmatic book, Adam aims to boost their role-specific expertise to help them achieve that goal “ and offers them a preferable alternative to learning from their mistakes

Find out more about the book and get your copy here.

Tom Sherrington, education consultant and author of Teaching WalkThrus:

It™s often said that middle leaders are the engine room of a great school: their energy, their effectiveness and their commitment are vital to any school™s success. In writing this book, Adam Robbins has used his extensive knowledge to produce a superb and impressively comprehensive guide “ covering curriculum design, assessment, teacher development and more besides “ for anyone undertaking one of these all-important roles.

Middle Leadership Mastery blends an evidence-informed approach with the wisdom of someone who has learned the hard way, on the front line. The recap and reflection sections that conclude each chapter neatly capture the breadth of issues covered in the book, making it a very practical tool for anyone seeking to improve their practice or aspiring to become a middle leader in future. I will certainly be recommending this book to the many middle leaders I meet through my work.
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How school pets can help children to learn and read
11 May 2021
Since COVID-19 hit British shores, 3.2 million pets have reportedly been purchased. Animals provide a valuable sense of companionship and a wide variety of species, including dogs, cats, fish, birds and horses have helped many people cope psychologically through the pandemic.

Read the full article here.

There is growing interest in the idea of bringing animals into the classroom, but it is only recently that researchers have gathered clear data to show the impact of AAIs on the behavioural, emotional, physical and cognitive development of children and young people.

Written by Helen Lewis and Russell Grigg, Tails from the Classroom is a fascinating exploration of the use of animal-assisted interventions in educational settings and how they can inspire and support learners™ all-round development. Find out more here.
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How to be an emotionally consistent teacher
10 May 2021
Calm, smiling adults and predictable responses lay the foundations for a climate that works for everyone...

Read the full article here.

In his new book After the Adults Change “ the follow-up to the bestselling When the Adults Change, Everything Changes “ Paul explains how teachers and school leaders can move beyond the behaviour management revolution and maintain a school culture rooted in relational practice.
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Stephen Lane on Naylor's Natter Podcast
10 May 2021
‹Listen to the episode here.

Stephen Lane™s Beyond Wiping Noses sets out the crucial role of pastoral care as part of the function and purpose of schooling “ and shares practical insights on how schools can get it right. Discover the book here.
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Helen Lewis and Russell Grigg on Teacher Hug Radio
07 May 2021
‹Russell and Helen will be talking to Toria about Tails from the Classroom in the second part of the show from 11:30 onwards.

Tails from the Classroom is a fascinating exploration of the use of animal-assisted interventions in educational settings and how they can inspire and support learners™ all-round development.

There is growing interest in the idea of bringing animals into the classroom, but it is only recently that researchers have gathered clear data to show the impact of AAIs on the behavioural, emotional, physical and cognitive development of children and young people.

Tails from the Classroom brings together this research in a highly accessible way, illustrated with real-life case studies from a range of classroom contexts. It also includes lots of practical guidance on how to set up, manage and evaluate a project, ensuring that the welfare of all participants, including the animals, is a priority. Find out more about the book here.
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Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
07 May 2021
The Feel Brave series is designed to help children explore emotional intelligence, positive psychology and some of the real-life issues which they might face “ such as bullying, anxiety, bereavement, friendships and worries “ in an engaging, creative and non-threatening way.

The books are suitable for 4- to 7-year-olds.

The books in the set include:

The Wolf is Not Invited

The Grand Wolf

The Wolf and the Shadow Monster

The Wolf™s Colourful Coat

The Wolf and the Baby Dragon

Feel Brave Teaching Guide

Or you can get the six-book set for the special price of £30.
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