
Read Bob Cox's article in Teach Reading & Writing
20 May 2021
‹Read the full article here.

In his Opening Doors series, Bob Cox introduces teachers to engaging strategies which use literary heritage texts as the stimulus for excellent learning. The books put the focus on pupils producing quality writing “ developing their literacy skills and a love of reading in the process. Discover the series here.
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Read Haili Hughes' article in The Headteacher
20 May 2021
"In education, there are very often buzz words which seem to permeate our consciousness and, at the moment, mentoring seems to be something which school leaders are talking about."

Read the full article here

In her new book Mentoring in Schools, Haili offers busy teachers a practical interpretation of how to work with the Early Career Framework, sharing practical guidance to help them in the vital role of supporting new teachers. She also shares insights from recent trainee teachers, as well as more established voices in education, to provide tried-and-tested transferable tips that can be used straight away. Find out more here.
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Read reviews of three of our books in SEN magazine
19 May 2021
Read the review of Taking Control 2 here, the review of Love Teaching, Keep Teaching here and the review of Engagement here.

Written by Paul Garvey, Taking Control 2: How to prepare for Ofsted under the education inspection framework equips teachers, subject leaders and school leaders with the tools and know-how to enable them to
prepare for their next inspection with confidence. Distilled from Paul™s 11 years™ experience as an Ofsted inspector, this practical handbook builds on its predecessor Taking Control to help your school ready itself
for inspection under the 2019 education inspection framework (EIF). Find out more here.

Written by Peter Radford, Love Teaching, Keep Teaching: The essential guide to improving wellbeing at all levels in schools is a practical guide to staying well in a high-pressure profession Find out more here.

Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman™s Engagement is a carefully curated collection of experts™ insights on the theme of teacher and learner engagement, which “ as they ably demonstrate “ can be facilitated and encouraged in a number of ways. Find out more here.
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Learning for now festival with Debra Kidd and Hywel Roberts
18 May 2021
‹Find out more and sign up here.

Discover all of Debra's books here.

Discover all of Hywel's books here.

Hywel and Debra are co-authors of Uncharted Territories, a book of prompts, provocations and possibilities designed to nourish creativity and generate ideas that will get teachers and pupils excited about learning. Find out more.
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UKEdChat has reviewed Obstetrics for Schools
18 May 2021


  • Rachel takes a look at the impact of educational disadvantage, exploring opportunities to break the cycles.

  • Rachel offers four key steps required for an impactful action plan.

  • Each chapter of the book focuses on a key potential barrier to success and offers school leaders and practitioners a range of strategies to help dismantle them.

  • The book also provides guidance on strategic planning, as well as a variety of ideas and inspiration for staff training.

  • The book is essential reading for school leaders and teachers at all levels of education.

Read the full review here.

In Obstetrics for Schools, Rachel Macfarlane draws on her experience as a head teacher and system leader to share a multitude of practical strategies for overcoming potential barriers to success, presenting case studies and examples of effective practice from schools across the country. Find out more here.
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Naylor's Natter with Dave Whitaker
17 May 2021
‹Listen to the episode here.

The Kindness Principle begins with the idea that relationships should be at the heart of behaviour management and culture, and sets out the ways in which the adoption of relational approaches can help create safer and happier schools. Schools where all staff and learners are valued and understood, where expectations and standards are high, and where kindness and acceptance matter. Find out more here.
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