
Read a brilliant review of Mark Finnis' Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice
14 June 2021
‹Read the full review here.

In Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice: Building relationships, improving behaviour and creating stronger communities, Mark Finnis shares a practical and inspiring introduction to the use of restorative practice in educational settings.

Drawing on his many years™ experience working with schools, social services and local governments across the country, Mark shares all you need to know about what restorative practice is, how it works, where to start and the many benefits of embedding a relational approach into any educational organisation that genuinely has people at its heart.

Find out more about the book here.
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Read Emily Hunt's article in STEM Ed magazine
14 June 2021
‹Read the full article here.

Emily Hunt™s latest book 15-Minute STEM Book 2: More quick, creative science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities for 5“11-year-olds offers a stimulating selection of easy-to-resource STEM activities designed to engage and inspire young learners.

Full of engaging and practical ideas, this innovative resource builds on the success of Emily™s 15-Minute STEM (ISBN 978-178583335-9) and reassures teachers and parents that they don™t need to be experts to deliver high-quality STEM education.

Find out more about the book here.
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Don't miss Anthony Kessel speaking at The Online Book Fair
11 June 2021
Now, more than ever we all need to be aware of the effects of COVID on young adults and the resulting mental health and wellbeing issues. One way of assisting them is through young adult fiction. Let™s discuss how we can help.

Find out more about the session here.

Find out more about Anthony Kessel™s forthcoming book The Five Clues here.
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Katy Granville-Chapman and Emmie Bidston will be speaking at the Global Social Leaders festival
11 June 2021
‹Katy will be co-hosting the session ˜How to Grow as a Leader™ on day 1 and Katy and Emmie will be co-hosting the session ˜Leadership: Choose to Change™ on day 2.

Find out more here.

In their book Leader, which was highly commended in the Business Book Awards 2021, Katy and Emmie eloquently combine up-to-date research in psychology and neuroscience with inspiring examples of success to show that leadership can be learned and that it is all about looking after your people. Find out more here.
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Read Helen Lewis and Russell Grigg's guest blog for Early Education
11 June 2021
"Animals are special and important to many young children. In fact, even if they do not share their home with a pet, they will meet all kinds of animals through stories, television, film and toys. For example, from the Rainbow Fish to the Very Hungry Caterpillar; from Spot to the Three Bears, many of the much-loved characters in children™s favourite stories are animals. In this article we discuss how practitioners can build upon this sense of familiarity and natural curiosity to ensure that both children and animals benefit from each other™s interaction."

Read the full article here.

Helen and Russell's new book Tails from the Classroom is a fascinating exploration of the use of animal-assisted interventions in educational settings and how they can inspire and support learners™ all-round development.

Helen and Russell discuss how AAIs can contribute towards learning in different subject areas and across the curriculum, sharing a wide range of examples to illustrate possible starting points for teachers in a range of subject and thematic contexts “ even in less obvious areas such as the arts, literature, and religious and moral codes. Find out more here.
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Teaching Creative Thinking has been reviewed in The Creativity Exchange
08 June 2021
‹Read the full review here.

Teaching Creative Thinking defines and demystifies the essence of creative thinking, and offers action-oriented and research-informed suggestions as to how it can best be developed in learners.

Where once it was enough to know and do things, young people now need more than subject knowledge in order to thrive: they need capabilities. Teaching Creative Thinking is the first title in the three-part Pedagogy for a Changing World series, founded upon Lucas and Spencer™s philosophy of dispositional teaching “ a pedagogical approach which aims to cultivate in learners certain dispositions that evidence suggests are going to be valuable to them both at school and in later life.

Find out more about the book here.
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