
The CPD Curriculum is now available!
22 June 2021
Zoe and Mark explain how schools can overcome issues with CPD that can leave teachers plateauing in their development after just a few years, and share a variety of case studies that illustrate the key components of an effective CPD programme that builds on teachers™ prior knowledge.

The authors spell out the importance of CPD and explain how, when done well, it gives teachers the agency to make professional decisions informed by the best evidence and experience they have to hand. Furthermore, they explore how high-quality professional development contributes not only to a collaborative culture within the school staff team and enhanced job satisfaction for teachers, but also to improved student outcomes.

Find out more and order your copy here.

Andy McHugh, Head of Law and teacher of Religious Education, St John™s School and Sixth Form College, and Editor, HWRK Magazine:

So much of the CPD that is offered to teachers, or even imposed upon them, fails to take account of two simple but vital elements: teacher autonomy and career-stage relevance. In The CPD Curriculum, Zoe and Mark not only highlight these issues (among many others) but they ask the pertinent questions needed to help the reader re-evaluate and redesign the CPD offering in their own school.

Excellent CPD can take many forms and this is reflected by the authors™ selection of highly useful case studies, each of which approach the CPD conundrum from different directions. The long-term and personalised CPD approach advocated is a refreshing change from some of the top-down efforts of Whitehall, Ofsted and some MATs, in that Zoe and Mark recognise that effective development of staff cannot be achieved solely
through one-off sessions or from telling staff what they need to work on. Instead, this book provides the inspiration needed for taking action and a highly practical blueprint for becoming better teachers over time. After all, CPD isn™t a thing you complete on Thursday afternoon, but rather is a lifelong journey of growth towards expertise. To this end, The CPD Curriculum is the perfect travel companion for the way ahead.
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Read a review of The Ladder in InTuition Magazine
18 June 2021
‹Read the full review here.

Using the mantra ˜every adult is a careers teacher™, The Ladder will inspire teachers to explicitly link their subject area to students™ futures, both in school and outside its walls, and support them in doing so. Bernie draws upon his 30-year career in education and business development to bring clarity, focus and ideas to educators as to how they can best start students on their own ladders to success.

In doing so, Bernie provides a range of user-friendly, engaging and downloadable materials for teachers to use with the young people they work with to help uncover their talents and link those talents to opportunities for growth. He also shares invaluable advice on how best to reach out to local businesses and external organisations to support your students™ careers education.

Find out more about the book here.
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Sticky Teaching and Learning is now available!
17 June 2021
During her work as a teacher trainer and revision expert, Caroline Bentley-Davies noticed that educators are clamouring for guidance on how to help their students remember the content covered in their lessons.

In this book, Caroline answers that call by identifying the teaching techniques that contribute most effectively to long-term learning. She then sets out how to deliver content in such a way that it stays in pupils™ memories for longer and leads to greater independence and better exam performance.

Find out more and order your copy here.

Charlotte Cross, Assistant Head Teacher “ Teaching and Learning, Bournville School:

œIn a time of real concern over ˜lost learning™ due to the enforced lockdowns and school closures of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sticky Teaching and Learning is the toolkit we have all been waiting for. It draws on a range of engaging examples, current educational research and theories and a range of effective practices to really make the reader think about how to engage pupils as active participants in their learning.

Making the precious curriculum content we have delivered stick is the thing we all crave “ and this book presents practical and accessible strategies in a really readable format to enable us, as teachers, to do just that.
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Don't miss Rachel Macfarlane's webinar with the Chartered College of Teaching
16 June 2021
‹Find out more and register here.

In Obstetrics for Schools: A guide to eliminating failure and ensuring the safe delivery of all learners, Rachel Macfarlane presents a powerful manifesto for school leaders and teachers on how they can bridge the advantage gap and deliver positive outcomes for all pupils.

In most parts of the world, the death of a baby in childbirth is now a rare tragedy rather than a common occurrence “ and it would be considered shocking for medical staff to accept a significant infant fatality rate. It™s also inconceivable that a hospital would have a successful delivery target much below 100%.

How could anything else be acceptable in this day and age?

Yet there is an expectation, and acceptance, of ˜baked in™ educational failure for around a third of 16-year-olds in UK schools each year. Such outcomes need addressing, and this book does just that. Find out more about the book here.
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Middle Leadership Mastery has been reviewed in SchoolsWeek!
15 June 2021
‹Read the full review here.

Instead of relying on generic leadership theories, Middle Leadership Mastery gathers perspectives from psychology and cognitive science to share evidence-informed guidance on a wide range of topics “ from supporting staff and students in crisis and managing wellbeing, to quality-assuring teaching and curriculum design. It also sets out a holistic view of the role of middle leaders “ covering people management, teacher development, teaching and learning, decision making and pastoral issues. Find out more about the book here.
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Peter Wells is interviewed in the June issue of ECF magazine
15 June 2021
‹Read the full interview here.

Written by Barry Hymer and Peter Wells, Chess Improvement: It™s all in the mindset is an engaging and instructive guide that sets out how the application of growth mindset principles can accelerate chess improvement.

Twenty-first-century knowledge about skills development and expertise requires us to keep such mystical notions as fixed ˜talent™ in perspective, and to emphasise instead the dynamic and malleable nature of these concepts.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in chess, where many gifted players fall prey to plausible but self-defeating beliefs and practices “ and thereby fail to achieve the levels their ˜natural™ abilities predicted. Happily, however, the reverse can be true too; through learned dispositions such as grit, risk-taking, strategic thinking and a capacity for sheer hard work, players of apparently modest abilities can achieve impressive results.

Find out more about the book here.
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