
Independent Thinking on Being a SENCO by Ginny Bootman is coming soon!
Monday, 19 December 2022
Independent Thinking on Being a SENCO by Ginny Bootman is an informative guide that identifies simple, tried and tested ways to build and cement strong relationships between all those who work with children with additional needs, be these teachers, parents, carers or outside agencies.
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'Square Pegs' by Fran Morgan with Ellie Costello is Coming Soon
Monday, 5 December 2022
Square Pegs by Fran Morgan with Ellie Costello and edited by Ian Gilbert is a book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.
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Toria Bono discusses 'Tiny Voices Talk' on Above & Beyond the Flying High podcast
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Toria Bono talks about her new book on the the Above and Beyong Flying High Podcast.
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Toria Bono celebrates the virtual launch of her new book, 'Tiny Voices Talk'
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Despite last minute changes to the launch of her new book due to a national Rail strike, unpreturbed, Toria Bono celebrated the launch of her exciting new book with friends and contributors thanks to video-conferencing. You can view her virtual book launch here.
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Great news, 'Square Pegs' by Fran Morgan with Ellie Costello is coming soon!
Tuesday, 29 November 2022
Square Pegs: Inclusivity, compassion and fitting in – a guide for schools is a book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.
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'Conceptul Maths' by Peter Mattock is coming soon!
Monday, 28 November 2022
Written by Peter Mattock, Conceptual Maths; Teaching about (rather than just 'how to do') mathematics in schools empowers teachers to support students on a comprehensive and coherent journey through school mathematics, showcasing the best models, metaphors and representations and providing excellent examples, explanations and exercises that can be used across the curriculum.
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