
Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice, reviewed in Leader magazine from the NAPD
01 October 2021
Independent Thinking on Restorative Practice has been reviewed in Leader magazine from the NAPD
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The Five Clues! Read the NetGalley US review
30 September 2021
Emily P. Educator via NetGalley US reviews The Five Clues
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"Practical advice for educators whose job it is to help close the gap"
29 September 2021
The Working Class has another review
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101-day campaign to make a change is in full swing!
29 September 2021
Roy Leighton, author of 101 Days to Make a Change's campaign is in full swing!
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Sticky Teaching and Learning has been reviewed
27 September 2021
Sticky Teaching by Caroline Bentley-Davies has been reviewed in inTuition magazine! Read the full review here on page 39.
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Stephen Lane – award-winning author!
24 September 2021
Last night Stephen Lane, author of Beyond Wiping Noses, won an award from NAPCE (National Association for Pastoral Care in Education)
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