
David Didau - new blog post!
Thursday, 28 April 2016
David Didau, author of The Secret of Literacy, has recently uploaded a new post on his blog page discussing what he considers to be the lamentable and inexcusable failure of secondary schools to teach students to read with adequate fluency and accuracy.

You can read his blog here, and should you wish to read a sample of his authoritative book on literacy you can do so here
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New blog post: Harry Fletcher-Wood and the 'tuning fork of teaching'
Monday, 25 April 2016
Harry Fletcher-Wood, author of Ticked Off, has uploaded a new entry on his blog Improving Teaching in which he discusses how using ˜exit tickets™ as student feedback loops can assist in the assessment of student understanding and act as a ˜tuning fork™ for the teacher™s benefit in tailoring their teaching to the students™ needs.

Click here to read Harry™s insight on implementing this teaching and assessment tool in the classroom.

And if the article sparks some curiosity in wanting to see Harry™s book, Ticked Off, for yourself, you can take a sneaky peek at some of the pages inside here before making the book yours for only £9.99!
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Clean Language in the Classroom - now in stock!
Monday, 25 April 2016
Julie McCracken˜s much anticipated Clean Language in the Classroom is now in stock and yours to buy for £16.99!

Feel free to flick through an online sample of the book before ordering your very own copy here.
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Mike Kent on
Friday, 22 April 2016
Mike Kent, author of Amazing Assemblies for Primary Schools, has written a feature for sharing what he™s learned about putting on a great assembly and how inspiration can come from all manner of sources.

You can read the feature on their website here and if you want see a bit of the book for yourself you can take a sneaky peek at some of the pages inside here.
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Rachel Jones - #nexttermiwill
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Rachel Jones, author of Teacher Geek and curator of Don™t Change the Light Bulbs, has uploaded a new blog post outlining her personal targets for the coming teaching term in an innovative new way.

Not by using a checklist nor a rigid target-setting grid, but rather by stating her goals in the form of an acrostic with the first letters picked out from the hashtag #nexttermiwill.

Take a look at Rachel™s own acrostic here and why not have a go for yourself!
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Vic Goddard + Rachel Jones at TEDx NorwichED
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
We at Crown House Publishing were proud Supporting Partners for the event in Norwich on Saturday the 19th of March, where two of our authors, Rachel Jones and Vic Goddard, shared their ˜ideas worth sharing™ about education and offered their own interpretations on the ˜Think Differently™ theme.

Both authors were a great hit on stage, and you can now catch them in action for yourselves on video!

Click here to watch Vic Goddard discuss ˜What being on TV teaches you about your school™ and here to watch Rachel Jones as she encourages teachers to ˜Unleash your inner Teacher Geek™.
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