
Martin Illingworth has been on the Prime Life Project podcast
23 November 2021
"Did you thrive or survive in school? Martin and I go back to school to discuss how the outdated school system is 'wasting human potential.'"
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'Chess for Schools' by Richard James is arriving in April 2022!
23 November 2021
Presents a new approach to promoting chess in primary schools which, by introducing the concepts through a series of mini games, will enable all children to better understand and enjoy chess.
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'Catalyst' has been reviewed by UKEdChat
22 November 2021
"These resources cards are brilliant, creating accessible professional development opportunities to develop skills needed for teacher leaders across all educational settings."
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'Conceptual Maths' by Peter Mattock is due to be published in April 2022!
22 November 2021
Empowers teachers to support students on a coherent journey through school mathematics, showcasing the best models, metaphors and representations along with excellent examples, explanations and tasks that can be used across the curriculum.
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'Parklands' by Chris Dyson will be published in April 2022!
19 November 2021
A heartwarming account of Parklands School’s transformative journey towards becoming a safe, loving environment in which all of its learners can thrive.
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'After The Adults Change' audio book is now available!
18 November 2021
Paul delivers a blueprint for school behaviour improvement that is inclusive, practical and well structured and covers a range of key issues, including: restorative practice, emotionally consistent teaching, creating a coaching culture, and proportionate and productive consequences for bad behaviour.
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