
Hayley Goleniowska gets behind 'Don't Send Him in Tomorrow'
11 August 2016
Hayley Goleniowska, founder of Downs Side Up, the campaigning and resource-sharing hub for parents of children with Down™s Syndrome, has uploaded a video as part of her nightly live broadcasts on her dedicated Facebook page in which she promotes and discusses the content of Jarlath O™Brien˜s recently published title Don™t Send Him in Tomorrow.

You can watch the video here when logged in to Facebook, and you can take a look inside Jarlath™s book here.
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Ian McDermott – 'Making Risk the Teacher'
10 August 2016
‹Ian McDermott, co-author of the forthcoming title The Collaborative Leader, has written a post on LinkedIn™s Pulse blog section in which he discusses how positively factoring risk into one™s leadership may cultivate a mindset which can help boost proactivity and resourcefulness within and beyond the leadership role.

Click here to read Ian™s article and here to take a closer look at his forthcoming title.
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Education Blogs UK Top 10 - Spot the Crown House authors!
10 August 2016
Vuelio, Europe™s leading provider of software for communications, public affairs and stakeholder engagement, have listed three Crown House authors' blogs in their Education Blogs UK Top 10, and those three authors and their blogs are listed below:

Mark Anderson

Steve Wheeler -

David Didau

You can see Vuelio's all-star list of educational bloggers here.
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Opening Doors To Quality Writing - advanced copies of both books now available!
08 August 2016
Bob Cox™s new companion books to his acclaimed title Opening Doors to Famous Poetry and Prose are now in stock and are available to order!

These new books, Opening Doors to Quality Writing, for ages 6 to 9 and ages 10 to 13 (priced at £12.99 each) use literary heritage texts as the stimulus for excellent learning and put the focus on pupils producing quality writing “ developing their literacy skills and a love of reading in the process.
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Jill Berry - Making the Leap
05 August 2016
Having recently completed a professional doctorate on moving from deputy headship to headship, Jill Berry has decided to share her expert insight on the transition between both leadership roles in schools by writing a book on the subject! Click here to read her blog on StaffRM, where she guides you through her journey towards putting pen to paper in writing the book.

Jill™s title, Making the Leap, is due for publication in January 2017 and you can take a closer look at it here.
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Nick Owen - 'All at sea: politics, leadership & democracy in the 21st century'
04 August 2016
‹Nick Owen, author of The Salmon of Knowledge and The Magic of Metaphor, has written a post on LinkedIn's Pulse blog section in which he muses upon an old fable in order to dissect and inquire into the nature of leadership and the workings of democracy - in particular their strengths and shortcomings.

Click here to read Nick's post and here to see his range of titles on our website.
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