
Jackie Beere's new title GROW reviewed on UK Recruiter website
01 September 2016
‹Recruitment experts UK Recruiter have published a review of Jackie Beere˜s new title GROW on their website and you can read it here!

You can take a look inside the book before you buy your own copy here.
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What If Everything You Knew About Education Was Wrong? - now available in paperback!
01 September 2016
David Didau˜s critically acclaimed title What If Everything You Knew About Education Was Wrong? is now available in paperback. If you aren™t familiar with it, here are a couple of reviews to give you an idea of its worth:

œThe title indicates that David Didau is ready to smash idols. Fortunately for us, he creates more than he destroys, deftly assembling findings from the learning sciences to build a path towards more effective classroom learning.
- Daniel Willingham, Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia

œThis is the kind of book you could read quickly, but probably shouldn™t. You could read it ten times and each time find something new. There is a canon of about a dozen books that I recommend to teachers “ most of which are cited in this one. My essential reading list has a new entry.
- Robert Coe, Professor of Education, Durham University

Click here to take a look inside the hardback book and here to order your paperback copy.

The hardback edition (ISBN 9781845909635) is also still available.
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Gillian Bridge gives advice on 'How to talk about GCSE results' in Prima Magazine
31 August 2016
Click here to read the article and if this sparks your interest click here to check out her forthcoming book The Significance Delusion.

The Significance Delusion explains why humans are so peculiarly vulnerable to mental disorders and social problems, and how understanding the backstory can help you learn the real value of life

The author, Gillian Bridge, is a psycholinguistic consultant and expert in empowering people to get the most from their brain, whatever the challenge. The common link in her previous work as a teacher, a lecturer, an addiction therapist, an executive coach and a resilience consultant has been the way brain development and the use of language affect any individual™s behaviour and communication. By understanding brain function and how it makes us behave the way we do, Gillian™s work enables all people, whether they clearly need help or not, to gain better control of their lives.
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Harry Fletcher-Wood's Checklist: first lesson with a new class & 'Ticked Off' mentioned in TES
30 August 2016
Harry Fletcher-Wood, author of Ticked Off, has written a new blog post outlining how writing checklists can make that first lesson back a whole lot easier! Plus if you saw a copy of this week™s TES you might have noticed Sir Tim Brighouse mention Ticked Off as a recommended read in his column.

Click here to read Harry™s blog You can also follow him on Twitter at @HFletcherWood for many more helpful checklists and tips.

And if his blog sparks some curiosity in wanting to see Harry™s book, Ticked Off, which is devoted to checklists and their benefits, you can take a sneaky peek at some of the pages inside here before making the book yours for only £9.99!
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Clean Language in the Classroom - featured in QA Education magazine's Online Guide
26 August 2016
Julie McCracken˜s title Clean Language in the Classroom has been featured in QA Education magazine™s Online Guide.

Click here to read the piece on page 2 of the magazine and click here to to flick through an online sample of the book itself before ordering your very own copy.
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Catrin Green Featured on The Royal Society of Chemistry Blog
23 August 2016
Catrin Green, author of How to Teach: Secondary Science, has been featured on the RSC blog for the article she wrote for them discussing ˜How to make science relevant to all students™.

Click here to see Catrin™s article and here to order your own copy of the book.
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