
Test-Enhanced Learning by Kristian Still is now available!
Wednesday, 1 February 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Test-Enhanced Learning: A practical guide to improving academic outcomes for all students by Kristian Still is now available! Square Pegs is a book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.
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Square Pegs by Ellie Costello and Fran Morgan is now available!
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Square Pegs: Inclusivity, compassion and fitting in – a guide for schools by Ellie Costello and Fran Morgan is now available! Square Pegs is a book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.
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How to Move & Learn by Bryn Llewellyn, Ian Holmes and Richard Allman has been given a five-star review in Schools Week!
Monday, 9 January 2023
Schools Week has published its incredible take on How to Move & Learn: An evidence-based guide to embedding physically active learning in your school by Bryn Llewellyn, Ian Holmes and Richard Allman. 'There is little doubt that the many approaches advocated within the book have been tested and developed while working with #teaching staff and children. It is this immersion that oozes from the pages giving the reader confidence to give it a go!'
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Conceptual Maths by Peter Mattock is now available!
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
We are thrilled to announce that Conceptual Maths by Peter Mattock is now available! Written by Peter Mattock, 'Conceptual Maths' empowers teachers to support students on a comprehensive and coherent journey through school mathematics, showcasing the best models, metaphors and representations and providing excellent examples, explanations and exercises that can be used across the curriculum.
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Bringing Forth The Bard by Zoe Enser features in the latest issue of Teaching Shakespeare!
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
An extract from Bringing Forth The Bard by Zoe Enser has been featured in the latest issue of Teaching Shakespeare journal from The British Shakespeare Association!
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