
Read the preface to Best of the Best: Progress
10 February 2017
In the Best of the Best series Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman have, for the first time, brought together the most influential voices in education in a series of convenient resources: each title a compendium of the most useful advice from the most celebrated educationalists combined with practical strategies to implement those ideas in the classroom.

Progress “ the first title in the series “ is written for teachers, by teachers, with contributions from John Hattie, Geoff Petty, John Jones, Sugata Mitra, David Didau, Mick Waters, Will Ord, Claire Gadsby, Robert Bjork, John West-Burnham, Guy Claxton, James Nottingham, Mark Burns, Martin Robinson, Mike Gershon, Pam Hook, Andy Hargreaves.

You can now read the authors' preface to Progress here before pre-ordering your own copy of the book here!
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John Tomsett blogs on 'This much I know about a simple way to monitor our pupils’ mental health'
06 February 2017
John Tomsett, author of the recently published title This Much I Know About Mind Over Matter¦, has written a new blog post to coincide with this year™s Children™s Mental Health Week on the subject of how to better monitor pupils™ mental health in schools.

Click here to read the blog post and here to take a closer look at the book, in which John Tomsett explains how he manages the pressure of modern day state school headship in a climate where you are only as good as your last set of examination results “ a pressure which acutely affects staff and students too. He outlines his strategies for mitigating this pressure and turning the tide of students™ mental health problems.

Keep an eye on our Twitter page over the next few days too as we™re sharing sample pages of John™s book throughout the week.
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Read Ian McDermott's ten-part series of posts on LinkedIn
03 February 2017
‹Ian McDermott, co-author of the recently published title The Collaborative Leader, is writing a special ten-part series of posts on LinkedIn™s blog section in which he offers ten key success strategies designed to help you in creating a direction of change and building momentum not just for 2017 but for the years to come.

His latest post is titled ˜Do a Collaboration Inventory™, which you can read here.

Click here to read Ian™s posts and here to take a closer look at his title, co-authored with L. Michael Hall.
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Ian Gilbert and Andy Gilbert discuss Gilbert Filbert on Teachwire
02 February 2017
Ian Gilbert and Andy Gilbert, authors of the recently published title Gilbert Filbert and his big MAD box, have written a piece on the Teachwire website laying out how their book can help children turns dreams and desires into action using six key steps to success.

Click here to read the article and here to take a closer look at the book.
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Advanced copies of MiniMax Interventions now available!
02 February 2017
Manfred Prior™s MiniMax Interventions, originally published in German as the bestselling MiniMax-Interventionen: 15 minimale Interventionen mit maximaler Wirkung, is now available in the English language and you can buy your copies here!

Suitable for psychotherapists, counsellors, supervisors, coaches and organisational consultants. If you want to improve your communication skills in a decisive yet practical way this succinct, accessible book is for you.
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Making the Leap – reviewed by Schools Week
30 January 2017
Dr Jill Berry™s recently published title Making the Leap has been awarded a 4½* star review on the Schools Week website.

Click here to read the review and here to take a look inside the book™s sample pages before ordering your own copy!
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