Thursday, 30 March 2017
As the videos were released into the public domain The Royal Highnesses said: œWe hope these films show people how simple conversations can change the direction of an entire life.
Alongside the videos, Heads Together published the most comprehensive survey, which shows that 46% have talked recently about mental health, with a quarter of us talking about our own mental health. In relation to these results it is important that children are aware of mental health from a young age and the support available to them.
The Feel Brave Series by
Avril McDonald is designed to help children explore emotional intelligence, positive psychology and some of the real-life issues which they might face “ such as bullying, anxiety, bereavement, friendships and worries “ in an engaging, creative and non-threatening way.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry proceed to convey: œWhen you realise that mental health problems affect your friends, neighbours, children and spouses, the walls of judgement and prejudice around these issues begin to fall. And we all know that you cannot resolve a mental health issue by staying silent. The findings portray that Britain is ˜opening up™ about its mental health but also make prominent some of the challenges that are still present. However, the release of these videos reinforces that there is always a starting point when it comes to mental health issues and throughout
This Much I Know About Mind Over Matter,
John Tomsett looks specifically into improving our mental health in schools. John explains how he manages the pressure of modern day state school headship in a climate where you are only as good as your last set of examination results, a pressure which acutely affects staff and students too. He outlines his strategies for mitigating this pressure and turning the tide of students™ mental health problems.
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