
'Becoming a Teacher' is reviewed in inTuition magazine
22 December 2021
'Becoming a Teacher' is an inspiring and motivating guide to embarking confidently on a career in teaching and, above all, acquiring and developing the essential character traits and values to flourish in it.
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'Powerful Geography' has been reviewed in Geographical Education, Vol 34, 2021, Australian Geography Teachers Association
21 December 2021
"Mark Enser’s book is a thought-provoking and challenging call to arms for geography teachers."
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Terence Watts has written an article for Psychreg
20 December 2021
'When It All Goes Wrong – Sorting It Instead of Sticking It Out.'
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'After The Adults Change' audio book is now available!
15 December 2021
Paul delivers a blueprint for school behaviour improvement that is inclusive, practical and well structured and covers a range of key issues, including: restorative practice, emotionally consistent teaching, creating a coaching culture, and proportionate and productive consequences for bad behaviour.
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Terence Watts has been quoted in an article on Mashable
14 December 2021
"Grief can be an incredibly heavy emotion to navigate alone."
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Alan Newland has written an article for SecEd
13 December 2021
"Why is the fear of physical contact with pupils such a nightmare for new teachers? Alan Newland argues it needn’t be – and urges the revival of the maxim ‘in loco parentis’ as our guiding principle."
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