
Jarlath O'Brien and John Tomsett feature in tes magazine.
21 April 2017
Click here to read Jarlath O™Brien™s article on ˜Five tenets of good leadership.'

Click here to read John Tomsett™s article on ˜Words matter when we™re talking about mental health.'
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Collaborating On Collaboration - Ian McDermott and L Michael Hall feature in an article for Rapport.
21 April 2017
In an article for Rapport, collaborators L Michael Hall and Ian McDermott give their individual perspectives on the take aways and the genesis of their new book The Collaborative Leader: The ultimate leadership challenge.

Click here to read the interview.
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Crown House authors and publications feature in Teach Secondary.
19 April 2017
‹This issue of Teach Secondary includes school of thought articles from both David Didau and Vic Goddard.

Advice and behaviour management is discussed throughout an article with Rob Plevin, author of ˜Take Control Of The Noisy Class™.

A book review of ˜Best of the Best - Progress™ by Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman is also within this issue.

And Sue Cowley features regarding her CPD session on vocal care and techniques that could enhance staff wellbeing, improve teaching, and even reduce sickness - what™s not to like?
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Phil Beadle's interview with Today FM.
18 April 2017
‹Click here to listen to Phil's interview.

Click here to pre-order a copy of Phil Beadle's 'Rules For Mavericks - A Manifesto For Dissident Creatives'.
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Phil Beadle participates in an interview with NewsTalk.
18 April 2017
‹Click here to listen to Phil's interview.

Click here to pre-order a copy of Phil Beadle™s ˜Rules For Mavericks - A Manifesto For Dissident Creatives™.
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