
Mental Health Awareness Week.
11 May 2017
'‹From My Heart' by Dr Neil Hawkes "describes how we can develop a secure sense of self by nurturing our natural positive dispositions. Neil demonstrates ways in which teachers, parents, pupils and indeed all of us can create happier and more productive lives by raising our self-awareness and self-confidence."
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Mental Health Awareness Week.
10 May 2017
‹Gabrielle Blackman-Sheppard's book 'Bi-Polar Girl - An Irreverent Look At Bipolar Disorder'  "is born out of Gabrielle™s desire to encourage those poor souls who find themselves sitting in the waiting rooms of psychiatric clinics and hospitals. It is a personal story and it™s not meant to be a recommendation for any particular treatment. In an easy to read format and fully illustrated it is for those who are going through the worse of bipolar and it gives an understanding in broad terms to family and friends as to what goes on in bipolar land."

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Mental Health Awareness Week.
09 May 2017
'The Feel Brave Series Of Children's Reading Books' by Avril McDonald " is designed to help children explore emotional intelligence, positive psychology and some of the real-life issues which they might face “ such as bullying, anxiety, bereavement, friendships and worries “ in an engaging, creative and non-threatening way." 
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The UK ICF Conference is only a week away!
09 May 2017
UK ICF Conference: Thriving in Times of Change

Gain Insights, Grow Flexibility, Build Resilience.

Meet world class speakers. Explore challenges facing us and our clients in this constantly changing, increasingly complex world. Grow self-awareness. Increase the range of both personal and professional choice for greater effectiveness with clients. Network with stimulating colleagues.

Topics at a glance:

- Having the courage to choose change

- Team conversations that make a difference

- Transforming your identity “ what is possible?

- Becoming a profitable coach associate

- Harnessing new technology to promote your business

- Growing understanding of relationship systems

Click here for more information and here to view the event programme.
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Come and join us at the Education Wales Summit 2017
09 May 2017
One of the confirmed speakers is Nina Jackson, author ˜Of Teaching Learning & Sherbet Lemons™ - Nina is an international education consultant who has a breathtaking grasp of what makes classrooms, children and their teachers tick. She™s a leading practitioner in all areas of teaching and learning with particular expertise in special educational needs, digital technology and mental and emotional health. She has transformed learning and teaching in some of the most challenging schools in the UK as well as working extensively with schools on the international circuit.

An accredited Apple Teacher, winner of the IPDA International Prize for Education and described by the TES as an ˜inspirational, evangelical preacher of education™, Nina is a tour-de-force when it comes to enlivening teaching and learning for all.

Nina is one of the happiest, most effervescent personalities in education today and puts her own learning, and the learning of others, at the heart of everything she believes in.

Click here for more information about the event.
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