
Two Crown House publications are reviewed by Nicole Henke
23 May 2017
"When you aren't a teacher, but suddenly you ARE because you are now homeschooling your child, you reallise there is SO much you don't know, like how to make Algebra and Foreign Languages FUN! So I was thrilled to be able to check out 2 great new books from Crown House, that can help you address the latter subject!" - Nicole Henke. 

‹Click here to read Nicole Henke's review of 'Games for Teaching Primary French' by Daniele Bourdais and Sue Finnie.

Click here to read Nicole Henke's review of 'Fun Learning Activities for Modern Foreign Languages' by Jake Hunton.
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UKEdChat Podcast with Sue Cowley
22 May 2017
‹Click here to listen to the UKEdChat Podcast - Episode 05 - Creativity with author Sue Cowley, who discusses her new book ˜The Artful Educator™.
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The TTSA Conference 2017 is taking place tomorrow!
21 May 2017
TTSA Conference 2017 #BeInspired

Inspirational speakers and workshops from Dame Alison Peacock, James Nottingham and Drew Povey.

Click here to book your place at the event.
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The People’s Book Prize Awards Ceremony 2017 - Voting ends tomorrow!
20 May 2017
˜The Wolf is Not Invited™ by Avril McDonald was shortlisted as one of the finalists in the children™s category of The People™s Book Prize Awards 2017.

Voting procedure: Votes are carried forward and those who voted before can re-vote.

Click here to view all the finalists.

You be the judge! - Click here to vote.

The Winners are announced at the 8th Awards Ceremony on 23rd May 2017.
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The Making Assessment Work Conference is fast approaching!
18 May 2017
Making Assessment Work

The very idea of assessment is one that can strike terror into the hearts of teachers and pupils alike. This course is presented by a team of high profile, highly-rated speakers who are here to show you that assessment really can work, with the experience and ideas to prove it. Enjoyable, thought-provoking and practical, the day is packed with expert advice across a range of topics including:

- Assessment for Living

- Helping children celebrate mastery of curriculum content

- Using the freedom to be creatively driven

- Irresistible Assessment: practical strategies to boost engagement and success through assessment

Audience: Key Stage 1 and 2 Class Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, School Leaders, System Leaders

Objectives: It often seems that there™s a fog around assessment. When do we do it? How do we do it? And most importantly why? This stimulating and practical day course will leave you full of ideas to ensure that assessment is a tool rather than a hurdle “ a part of the learning itself and cast in a positive light to both teachers and pupils.

Click here for more details on this event.
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