
Jackie Beere's comments feature in Psychologies Magazine
15 June 2017
Psychologies Magazine is available for your purchase now - grab your copy to read Jackie Beere™s feature.

Jackie Beere is author of multiple books, the latest of which is ˜GROW

Click here to look inside ˜GROW
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Another 5 star review on Amazon for 'Puffed Out'!
15 June 2017
Click here for more information and to look inside 'Puffed Out' by Will Hussey and Barry Hymer.

Click here to read the amazing reviews of 'Puffed Out'  on Amazon.
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All three 'Making Every Lesson Count' books reach the top 12 in Amazon's bestseller rank!
15 June 2017
‹Click here to view all three books in Amazon's bestseller rank.

Click here to look inside and purchase your own copy of 'Making Every English Lesson Count' by Andy Tharby.

Click here to look inside and purchase your own copy of 'Making Every Science Lesson Count' by Shaun Allison.

Click here to look inside and pre-order your own copy of 'Making Every Primary Lesson Count' by Jo Payne and Mel Scott
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5 star reviews of 'Release Your Inner Drive' on Amazon.
15 June 2017
‹Click here to read the 5 star reviews of ˜Release Your Inner Drive™ by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson on Amazon.

Click here to get your hands on your very own copy!
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We hope to see you all tomorrow at the Visible Learning Plus With John Hattie.
15 June 2017
Topics include:

· Realign and reconsider your core purpose as a school“ and how to achieve it

· Know which strategies have the biggest effect, and which you can drop

· Bring whole-school cohesion to Teaching and Learning

· Understand how teachers™ mindframes hold the key to lasting change

· Further promote attainment and achievement for all children by inspiring and empowering every teacher, in every classroom, to utilise Visible Learning concepts

Click here to view the events timetable and guest speakers attending.

If interested, why not click here and book your place now!
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The Teaching And Learning Conference 2017 commences tomorrow!
15 June 2017
With sessions from:

Professor John Hattie

Ross McGill AKA @TeacherToolkit

Alex Quigley

Dr Jonathan Sharples

David Didau

Dr Sam Twiselton from the Sheffield Institute for Education

Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby, authors of ˜Making Every Lesson Count

Cat Scutt from the Chartered College of Teaching

Examine the evidence and combine with the practical wisdom of experienced classroom teachers so you can confidently promote and practice teacher autonomy.

Click here to view a timetable of the days events and to browse the speakers attending the event.

Don™t miss out and click here to book your place now!
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