
Bob Cox introduces the award-winning Opening Doors series
03 July 2017
Click here to view Bob Cox introducing the award-winning Opening Doors series - ˜Opening Doors To Famous Poetry Ad Pose™, ˜Opening Doors To Quality Writing For Ages 6-9™ and ˜Opening Doors To Quality Writing For Ages 10-13™. All of which are available for your purchase now!
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BBC interview with author Martin Goodyer
30 June 2017
‹Click here to listen to the interview with Martin Goodyer, author of ˜WTF Just Happened?™
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Vic Goddard features in TES - "How to remove the fear around safeguarding"
30 June 2017
‹Click here to read Vic Goddard's feature.

Vic Goddard is author of 'The Best Job In The World'  and co-author of 'Don't Change The Light Bulbs' - Both books are available for your purchase now!
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Opening Doors to Quality Writing
27 June 2017
Since the excitement of winning an Education Resources Award in the ˜educational book™ category earlier this year, I have continued a pioneering trail with ˜Opening Doors™ across the UK in schools, conferences and cluster meetings!

A recent Michael Rosen tweet seemed to sum up the kinds of approaches we are supporting schools with:

          œThe best way to learn how to write well is to investigate how good writers write ...

I want to tell you about some very exciting links and trails which are arising from schools delving deeper into the potential of quality texts “ getting inspired by great writers and teaching with such rigour and passion that pupils™ own writing starts to reach new heights. Schools who have worked for longer with the Opening Doors team have tended to find that more links and ideas evolve as the books™ strategies are more frequently used, with one creative possibility leading to another.

To read the full blog click here.
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