
'The Compleat Thunks Book' is available for your purchase now!
05 July 2017
‹Click here for more information and click here to look inside 'The Compleat Thunks Book' by Ian Gilbert.

Click here to purchase your very own copy now!
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Jill Berry will be participating in a live chat with The Guardian tomorrow
05 July 2017
‹Click here to gain further information regarding the live chat, such as topics for discussion and members of the panel. 

One of the members of the panel is Dr Jill Berry, author of 'Making the Leap - Moving From Deputy To Head'. 

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Find out what one of our forthcoming publications is all about - 'The Learning Power Approach'
04 July 2017
Click here to view a video by author Guy Claxton talking at a TEDx event about his forthcoming title 'The Learning Power Approach - Teaching Learners To Teach Themselves'.

Click here to pre-order your very own copy.
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'Bob And The River Of Time' features in Toppsta's Summer Reading Guide
04 July 2017
˜Bob And The River Of Time™ by James Garner is included on page 6 of Toppsta™s Summer Reading 2017 For Children Aged 4-12.

If interested you can click here to purchase a copy today!
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The TDT Network Annual Conference is just one week away!
04 July 2017
The day will explore the key aspects facing schools and colleges around professional learning, with opportunities to hear practical advice directly from other schools, as well as the chance to network and share with other colleagues. David Weston, Chief Executive of Teacher Development Trust, along with the rest of the team, will be there on the day to offer CPD expertise. We are also delighted to be welcome Russell Hobby (General Secretary of NAHT), Shaun Allison (Durrington High School and author of ˜Making Every Lesson Count™) and Joanna Hall (HMI, Deputy Director Schools at Ofsted) as keynote speakers.

This event is only open to TDT Network Members. It is a unique opportunity to Network and share ideas with other schools and colleges from within the group.

Click here for more details regarding the event.

Click here to book tickets - We'd be delighted to see you all!
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Phil Beadle is interviewed byTalkSport
03 July 2017
‹Click here to listen to Phil Beadle's interview with TalkSport - Listen in at approximately 29:09. 

Phil Beadle is author of numerous books, the latest of which being 'Rules For Mavericks - A Manifesto For Dissident Creatives' - Also available as an audiobook.
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