
We hope to see you all at the TDT Network Annual Conference tomorrow!
10 July 2017
The day will explore the key aspects facing schools and colleges around professional learning, with opportunities to hear practical advice directly from other schools, as well as the chance to network and share with other colleagues. David Weston, Chief Executive of Teacher Development Trust, along with the rest of the team, will be there on the day to offer CPD expertise. We are also delighted to be welcome Russell Hobby (General Secretary of NAHT), Shaun Allison (Durrington High School and author of ˜Making Every Lesson Count™) and Joanna Hall (HMI, Deputy Director Schools at Ofsted) as keynote speakers.

This event is only open to TDT Network Members. It is a unique opportunity to Network and share ideas with other schools and colleges from within the group.

Click here for more details regarding the event.

Click here to book tickets - Don't miss out!!
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Don't miss Phil Beadle's radio interviews today!
07 July 2017
‹Phil Beadle is author of numerous books the latest of which is ˜Rules For Mavericks - A Manifesto For Dissident Creatives™, also available as an Audiobook.

Click here to see all of Phil Beadle™s press coverage in full.

Don™t forget to tune into his interviews today!
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Best of the Best: Progress features in SecEd
07 July 2017
‹Within Issue 483 of SecEd an article is included featuring ˜Best of the Best: Progress™ by Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman.

The article is titled ˜Progress: Knowing where to start™ and conveys œthere is wealth of evidence out there about how to boost student progress.

To read the full article why not purchase your very own copy now!

Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman have recently published a new addition to ˜The Best of the Best™ series - ˜Best of the Best: Feedback™ and have also announced a forthcoming addition to the series ˜Best of the Best: Engagement™.
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Phil Beadle participates in two radio interviews
07 July 2017
‹Click here to listen to Phil Beadle's interview on BBC London at 30 minutes in.

Click here to listen to Phil Beadle's interview with BBC Ulster at 2 hours 15 minutes in.

Phil Beadle is author of multiple books the latest of which being 'Rules For Mavericks - A Manifesto For Dissident Creatives', also available as an audiobook.
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Crown House authors and publications appear in Teach Primary
06 July 2017
‹Teach Primary Issue 11.5 includes: 

'The letter I would write to myself as a six year old' by Debra Kidd, author of 'Teaching Notes From The Front Line', 'Becoming Mobius' and co-author of 'There Is Another Way' and 'Don't Change The Light Bulbs'.

'The six people who have changed my life' by Sue Cowley, author of 'Road School' and 'The Artful Educator', which is also included in the 'Lesson Plans' section of this issue as an idea for schools to use on 'creative days'.

'The hiring process is getting more complicated, but dies it really work?' by Mick Waters, author of 'Thinking Allowed'.

'How do you build an iron ring of castles?' by Russell Grigg, author of 'Big Ideas In Education'.

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