
See what the BBC is saying about Bill Lucas' most recent research into problem-solving
17 July 2017
‹Click here to read the full article - ˜Teach ˜problem solving™ to produce engineers, schools urged™

Click here to read the actual research - ˜Learning to be an engineer: Implications for the Education System™

Bill Lucas is co-author of a new title due to be published later this year - ˜Teaching Creative Thinking™, click here for more information.
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Y. Kamiji and J. Whiley - Winners of the wheelchair doubles!
17 July 2017
‹Click here to view a break down of the Wimbledon 2017 results.

Jordanne Whiley provided a review of 'Release Your Inner Drive' by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson: "I worked with Bradley during the most stressful time of my life, competing in a Paralympic Games. By using a lot of the techniques in this book I have become a more successful person, not only in my career but also outside of it. I have changed the way I view failure and this is what has helped me the most. The techniques are simple but they have had a massive impact, it™s almost hard to believe. This book teaches us how to get big rewards from simply changing the way we view and handle what life throws at us. For anyone looking to better themselves in some way, no matter how big or small, this is the book for you."

Click here for more information on the book and to have a look inside.

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Available now!
14 July 2017
Click here for more information on CBAC TGAU Almaeneg “ Llyfr Athrawon and to purchase a copy.

Click here for more information on CBAC TGAU Almaeneg and to purchase a copy.

Click here for more information on CBAC TGAU Sbaeneg “ Llyfr Athrawon and to purchase a copy.

Click here for more information on CBAC TGAU Sbaeneg and to purchase a copy.
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'Release Your Inner Drive' makes multiple features
14 July 2017
‹Click here to read an article in ˜The Telegraph™ - ˜How to cultivate your child™s brain over the summer holidays™ by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson, authors of a newly published book ˜Release Your Inner Drive™.

Click here to read a feature in 'Future Magazine' - ˜Don™t let the summer fry your brain!™ by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson.

The School Run asked Bradley Busch about the habits that ˜smart kids™ show, and how you can help your child develop them. Click here to read Bradley™s responses.

Click here for more information on ˜Release Your Inner Drive™ and to look inside, or why not click here to purchase a copy of your own!
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Messy Maths ranks high on Amazon!
13 July 2017
‹Click here for more information about our new publication ˜Messy Maths™ by Juliet Robertson.

Click here to purchase your own copy now!
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