
An exciting announcement from Feel Brave…
10 August 2017
‹Click here to watch Avril McDonald announce this exciting news!

Avril McDonald is author of the ˜Feel Brave™ series - Click here for more information and to have a sneak peak inside the books.
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Stress, Pressure, and Over Reliance on Cell Phones - Alise Cortez talks to Edward Watson
10 August 2017
"But why do so many people fear and avoid failure, when it™s one of the most potent learning devices ever devised? In this episode, we talk with mental skills and performance coach Edward Watson about how to cultivate a growth mindset and embrace failure. Also, Mr. Watson will share the perspective he™s cultivated about the differences between boys and girls in terms of how they handle stress as derived from the years of work he™s done in schools. Finally, he™ll discuss the perils of a global society™s fixation and over reliance on cell or iphones, and how their use very poorly positions young people entering the workforce."

Click here to listen now.

Edward Watson is co-author of a newly published book ˜Release Your Inner Drive™ - Click here for more information and click here to look inside the book.
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'GROW' is reviewed by Dee Brown on Soul Food Blog
10 August 2017
‹Click here to read Dee Brown™s full review of ˜GROW™ by Jackie Beere on Soul Food Blog.

Click here for more information and to purchase your own copy of ˜GROW™ by Jackie Beere and click here to look inside the book.
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'The Perfect SENCO' is reviewed on Special Educational Needs Resources Blog
09 August 2017
Click here to read the full review of ˜The Perfect SENCO™ by Natalie Paker on Special Educational Needs Resources Blog.

Click here for more information and to purchase your own copy of ˜The Perfect SENCO™ by Natalie Paker.

Click here to look inside the book.
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Ian Gilbert's article for Irish Tech News is now live!
09 August 2017
‹Click here to read the full article - How to get everyone talking during a meeting? by Ian Gilbert.

Featured in this article is Ian's latest book 'The Compleat Thunks Book' - Click here to take a look inside!

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'Why thinking differently is the key to being smarter in business'
09 August 2017
‹Click here to read the full article by Ian Gilbert in SME magazine.

Ian Gilbert is author of multiple books the latest of which being 'The Compleat Thunks Book' - Click here to look inside the book!

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