
We hope to see you all at the Child Protection In Education 2017 conference tomorrow!
12 September 2017

What Can I Expect?

  • Legal update: Hear from top educaton lawyers and gain clarification on your safeguarding responsibilities for 2017/18

  • Online safety: Understand how online safety is linked to all other safeguarding areas and how to ensure your students understand the risks

  • Mental Health: Gain strategies to ensure meaningful support is offered to all students suffering from mental health difficulties

Who should attend?

  • Designated safeguarding lead

  • Designated child protection officers

  • Deputy and assistant headteachers

  • Headteachers and principals

  • Vice principals

  • Governors and trustees

  • Heads of year

  • Heads of department

  • Safeguarding officers

Click here for more information.

Click here to see the programme for the day and click here for more information regarding the event speakers.
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'Road School' is reviewed in Personalised Education Now
11 September 2017
‹Click here to read the review of ˜Road School™ by Sue Cowley on pages 10 and 11 of Personal Education Now.

Click here for more information on ˜Road School™ by Sue Cowley and to purchase your very own copy!
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'How to help students settle into the new school year' by Bradley Busch and Edward Watson
08 September 2017
‹Click here to read the full article in The Guardian.

Click here to read the full article in the Best Education News.

Click here for more information on Bradley Busch and Edward Watson's new book, 'Release Your Inner Drive' and to purchase your very own copy!
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Crown House authors feature in Teach Secondary magazine
08 September 2017
‹Our authors featured in Issue 6.6 of Teach Secondary are:

  • David Didau - œStep away from the sugar paper; because it turns out that busy classroom walls are considerably more likely to distract students than inspire them¦ and œIf you managed to predict your students™ GCSE results this year, you were plain lucky, insists David Didau - and here™s why¦

  • Vic Goddard - œIf Ofsted really is going to clamp down on game-playing, it™s probably worth remembering who made the rules in the first place

  • Phil Beadle - œDon™t believe the hype - How should you teach? Like a maverick, says Phil Beadle - and here™s exactly what that means¦

  • Professor Guy Claxton - Find the learning ˜sweet spot™

Click here to download your FREE copy of Teach Secondary.
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Sue Cowley and Stephanie Davies feature in Teach Primary
08 September 2017
‹Featured within Issue 11.6 of Teach Primary are:

  • Sue Cowley - "We often overlook our best behaved students, but they deserve as much recognition as more demanding pupils."

  • Stephanie Davies - "The happiness enlightenment - Why are some schools joyful, whereas others have an 'atmosphere', and what can we learn from them?"

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