
Another fantastic review of 'Messy Maths'
25 September 2017
‹Review comments provided by Nicky Hudson at 'It's all about stories':

"This is great - it combines hundreds of ideas for "maths" experiences with an approach that is indeed based on play and mess and outdoors and open-ended resources and inspiring possibilities. It's one to read front to back, but also one to pick up and dip into if you are stuck form ideas for experiences based on symmetry, pattern, time, measurement, number or money.The last chapter is my favourite - entitled The Mathematical Garden, it it full of ideas for the outdoor environment from a Froebelian perspective, a childrens' garden which is both inspiring and meaningful."

Click here to view 'It's all about stories' blog.

Click here to view 'It's all about stories' Facebook.

Click here for more information and to purchase your own copy of 'Messy Maths' by Juliet Robertson.

Click here to take a look inside the book.

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The WomenED Annual Conference takes place a week today!
23 September 2017
#WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level.

The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education.

Click here for more information on the event and #WomenEd

Although tickets are currently sold out for this conference please do click here and add your name onto the waiting list in case of last minute cancellations.
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The Learning To Shape Birmingham Conference 2017 is taking place tomorrow!
21 September 2017
Surviving the current winds of educational change may feel like being at sea in a small boat as storm clouds gather and a big sea builds. Government policy changes, increasing financial pressures, teacher shortages, increased accountability and ever-changing Ofsted requirements each represent separate storm systems that that can cause your boat to be swamped or even to capsize completely. Learning to Shape Birmingham 2017 will help all of us navigate the challenges ahead. Reading the charts and interpreting the weather forecasts, choosing the right sails and plotting the best course, ensuring strong radio contact, checking safety equipment and knowing emergency procedures, including how to call for help. More than ever we know how important it is that we lose no one overboard, let alone have any more sinkings. With disasters avoided, making our boats go faster and mastering the sea can be a joy!

The conference will cover the latest in Government policy. Learning from successful practice nationally we will focus on all settings, regardless of phase or designation.

This years event begins with an afternoon keynote address (at approx 16.30) and dinner on the evening of Thursday 21st September 2017. A full day™s conference takes place on Friday 22nd September 2017.

Click here to find out more details regarding the event and book your tickets - It's never too late!
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Danielle Bartram features in TES
21 September 2017
Click here to read the full article by Danielle Bartram in TES.

Danielle Bartram is author of a forthcoming title ˜Forty pence each, or two for a pound™ - Click here for more information on the book.
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Steve Bowkett writes an article in 'Teach Reading and Writing'
21 September 2017
‹Purchase your own copy of this issue of 'Teach Reading and Writing' and read Steve Bowkett's article further. 

Steve Bowkett is co-author of 'A Moon on Water' - Click here for more information on the book and click here to have a look inside. 
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'The Compleat Thunks Book' by Ian Gilbert features in Education Magazine
20 September 2017
Click here to read the feature of 'The Compleat Thunks Book' by Ian Gilbert in Education Magazine.

Click here for more information on 'The Compleat Thunks Book' by Ian Gilbert and to purchase your own copy today!

Click here to take a look inside the book.
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