
Primary Headteachers’ Conference - Thriving Under Pressure is fast approaching!
28 September 2017
This year™s conference will feature talks from: Tracy Warner, Senior School Effectiveness Adviser at HfL Julie Kemp, District School Effectiveness Adviser at HfL Dr Bill Rogers, Education Consultant, Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley, former Education Secretary and life peer, Paul Dix, Lead Trainer at Pivotal Education, Natasha Devon MBE, Writer, television pundit and co-founder of the Body Gossip education programme and the Self-Esteem Team, Andrew de Csilléry, Managing Director, HfL.

Plus a presentation from Laughology and opportunities for delegates to reflect, plan, network and visit a selection of exhibitors.

Click here for more information on the conference.

Click here to book your place now!

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The Cambridge Primary Headteachers Conference is fast approaching!
28 September 2017
Keynote speakers: Dr Andrew Curran - When you hear Andrew speak, you will also immediately ask yourself why an understanding of the neurobiology of living, loving, learning and growing isn™t on the syllabus for all teacher training everywhere? Richard Gerver - uses his experiences as a former award winning teacher, globally renowned principal, school and university board member and government policy advisor, to mesh together, with clarity and deep insight, exactly what needs to be discussed and done; from high level strategy to classroom practice. Workshops on a range of topics, including Teacher and leader wellbeing, How to help pupils in vulnerable groups, Creativity in schools, Transition & Teaching Schools.

Click here for more information on the event.

Click here to book your ticket/s - But hurry as tickets are selling fast!
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Happy National Poetry Day!
28 September 2017
Click here to follow us on Twitter - @CrownHousePub

Click here to like us on Facebook - Crown House Publishing.

Don't forget if you've missed the posts on our social media platforms from 25th September - TODAY you can look back at the samples shared from:

'Thoughtings' by Andrew Day and Peter Worley

and 'The Philosophy Shop' by Peter Worley.
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Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 10 to 13
28 September 2017
‹Click here to watch/listen to Bob Cox introducing the award winning 'Opening Doors to Quality Writing: Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 10 to 13'.

Click here for more information on the book.

Click here for more information on National Poetry Day today!
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Our Book Of The Week is 'The ABCs of coping with anxiety'
27 September 2017
Click here for more information on our book of the week and to purchase your very own copy of 'The ABCs of coping with anxiety' by James Cowart.

Click here to look inside 'The ABCs of coping with anxiety'.

Click here to discover more about author James Cowart.

Click here and take a look for yourselves at the brilliant 5* reviews on Amazon.

Click here to hear James Cowart introducing and talking about his book.

Click here to read recent articles within the news, which have focused on the topic of anxiety.

Click here for more information on the Barns and Noble author event in the US, which James is attending on the 5th of October.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!
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