
Sue Cowley features in Teach Primary 3 to 7
12 October 2017
Click here to read the full article on page 17.

Click here to discover more about author, Sue Cowley.

Sue is author of: 

'The Artful Educator' - Click here for more information.

'Road School' - Click here for more information.
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Uncivilised Genes features in Planing in London magazine
12 October 2017
‹Click here to view 'Uncivilised Genes' featured on page 91 of Planing in London magazine.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy of 'Uncivilised Genes' by Gustav Milne.

Click here to take a look inside the book.
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'Why we need to eat, sleep and live like cavemen' by Gustav Milne
12 October 2017
‹Click here to read the full article by Gustav Milne in The Irish Times.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy of 'Uncivilised Genes' by Gustav Milne.
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Pictures from author, James Cowart at his author night at his local Barnes and Noble
11 October 2017

James Cowart is author of a newly published title, 'The ABCs of coping with anxiety' - Click here for more information on the book and click here to take a look inside.

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'Teaching creative thinking' is reviewed on UKEdChat
11 October 2017
Click here to read the full review of ˜Teaching creative thinking™ on UKEdChat.

Click here for more information and to purchase your own copy of ˜Teaching creative thinking™ by Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer.

Click here to take a look inside the book.
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