
Your Amazing Brain - BB11 A practical brain changer by Richard Hill
17 October 2017
Click here to watch the video.

Click here to watch the whole series and much more.

Richard Hill is co-author of a forthcoming title ˜The Practitioner™s Guide to Mirroring Hands™ - Click here for more information on the book and to pre-order your very own copy!
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'The Learning Power Approach' course will take place on the 6th of February 2018
17 October 2017
‹Click here for more information on the course and the opportunity to book your place today!

The subject of this course is a forthcoming title of ours, 'The Learning Power Approach' by Guy Claxton - Click here for more information on the book and to pre-order yourself a copy!
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The UKEd Podcast – Episode 13 – Teaching Creative Thinking
17 October 2017
‹Click here to listen to the podcast on UKEdChat.

Click here for more information and to purchase a copy of our new title, 'Teaching Creative Thinking' by Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer.

Click here to take a look inside the book.

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Claim your FREE COPY of Teach Secondary!
16 October 2017
‹Click here to claim your FREE COPY of Teach Secondary.

Click here for more information on Vic Goddard and to view his publications. 

Click here for more information on David Didau and to view his publications.
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World Values Day takes place this Thursday!
16 October 2017
œWorld Values Day is an opportunity for us to think about our most deeply held values and to act on them. This year we are paying special attention to the values of groups and organisations, and how by truly putting those values into action we can help to change the world.

Click here for more information on World Values Day.

This World Values Day we would like to introduce/reintroduce you to two of our publications:

˜The Little Book of Values™ by Julie Rees - Click here to take a look inside the book.

˜From My Heart™ by Dr Neil Hawkes - Click here for a sneak peak inside the book.
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Teaching creative thinking was the topic of a session on UKEdChat last night
13 October 2017
‹Click here for more information on the teaching creative thinking session on UKEdChat last night.

Click here for more information and the chance to purchase a copy of our new title, 'Teaching Creative Thinking' by Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer.

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