
A re-run of the 'Britain at Low Tide' series on ALL 4 featuring Gustav Milne is airing tonight!
25 October 2017
‹˜Britain at Low Tide ™ will be aired on channel ALL 4 this evening!

Featured within the series is Gustav Milne, author of a newly published title ˜Uncivilised Genes™ - Click here for more information on the book and the chance to purchase a copy of your own.
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'Independent Thinking' by Ian Gilbert has now been published in Slovenian
25 October 2017
Click here for more information on ˜Independent Thinking™ by Ian Gilbert.

Click here for a sneak peak inside the book.
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'The Buzz' can now be purchased in MP3 format!
24 October 2017
You can purchase this title in MP3 format from the following websites:

Click here for more information on 'The Buzz - Audiobook' by David Hodgson.
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Leadership for Tomorrow: Beyond the school improvement horizon
23 October 2017
‹Click here to watch the video.

Click here for more information and to pre-order a copy of ˜Leadership for tomorrow™ by Malcolm Groves, Andrew Hobbs and John West-Burnham.
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We are pleased to announce that 'Take Control of the Noisy Class' is now available in German!
20 October 2017
‹Click here for more information and to purchase a copy of ˜Take Control of the Noisy Class™ by Rob Plevin.

Click here to have a sneak peak inside the book.

Click here for more information on author, Rob Plevin.
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Hywel Roberts in the Time Out Room – PP174
19 October 2017
‹Click here to listen to the podcast with Hywel Roberts.

Hywel Roberts is author of numerous titles - Click here to view them in more detail.
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