
Visible Learning Plus Foundation Day: What The Best Schools Know And Do With Professor John Hattie
30 October 2017
Join Professor John Hattie for a guide to gaining maximum impact through focusing on what works best, not simply what works.

What You Will Learn:

  • The main factors that influence student learning

  • The processes that maximise the impact of all your decisions

  • What collective efficacy is, and why it is integral to effective professional development

What You Will Be Able To Do:

  • Make decisions based on what you know for certain will lead to a growth in student achievement

  • Ensure all pupils make at least one year™s progress for one year™s input

  • Take clear steps to evaluate the impact of what every one does in your school

Click here for more information on the event.

Click here to view the event brochure.
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Authors Roger Terry and Jackie Beere feature in Rapport Magazine
27 October 2017
‹Click here for more information on author, Rodger Terry.

Roger is the co-author of:

'The NLP Toolkit' - Click here for more information.

'NLP for Teachers' - Click here for more information.

Click here for more information on author, Jackie Beere.

Click here to discover the numerous titles authored and co-authored by Jackie.

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'Teaching Creative Thinking' is mentioned in a book review on TES
27 October 2017
‹Click here to read the full review.

Click here for more information on a newly published titles of ours, ˜Teaching Creative Thinking™ by Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer.

Click here to take a look inside the book.
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'Teaching creative thinking' features in The Cornish Times.
26 October 2017
‹Click here to read the full article in The Cornish Times.

Click here for more information and to purchase your very own copy of 'Teaching Creative Thinking' by Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer.

Click here to take a look inside the book.
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Exciting news - 'The life coaching handbook' is now available in MP3 format!
26 October 2017
You can purchase this title in MP3 format from the following websites:

Click here for more information on 'The Life Coaching Handbook' by Curly Martin.
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Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek ‘Best of the Best: Progress'
25 October 2017
‹Click here for more information on our book of the week and the chance to purchase your own copy of 'Best of the Best: Progress' by Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman.

'Best of the Best: Progress' is part of the 'Best of the Best' series - Click here to view all three books.

Click here to re-visit a feature of 'Best of the Best: Progress' on Te@cher Toolkit.

Click here to read the brilliant 5* reviews of 'Best of the Best: Progress' on Amazon.

Why not 'try before you buy' and click here to have a sneak peak inside the book.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!
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