
'Stress Free Surgery' is now available for your purchase in MP3 format!
07 November 2017
You can purchase this title in MP3 format from the following websites:

Click here for more information on 'Stress free surgery' by Linda Thomson.
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Optimus Mental Health And Wellbeing In Schools Conference commences tomorrow
07 November 2017
A positive day packed with practical, hands-on workshops and inspirational keynotes, this event will provide you with the confidence, skills and techniques to support all students with mental health difficulties in your school. Join leading mental health experts and high-quality practitioners and gain valuable guidance and skills to make a real difference to students affected by mental health difficulties.

Whilst Theresa May™s recent mental health pledges are welcomed, diminishing external support have resulted in more and more responsibility falling on your shoulders.

Are you confident you and your colleagues have the resources, skills and confidence to provide your pupils with the support they require?

What Can I Expect On The Day?

Gain techniques and strategies taken from therapeutic approaches to help students manage their anxiety and stress.

New ideas to help build students™ resilience, equipping them with the skills and confidence to cope with the challenges they face.

Whole-school support 
Develop a school-wide culture which provides proactive support to all pupils suffering from mental health difficulties.

This event is the only place where you™ll gain access to a multitude of practical sessions alongside takeaway resources before, during, and after the event to ensure continuous support.

The event includes numerous guest speakers including one of our authors Nina Jackson - Click here for more information.

Click here for more information on the event and click here to view the programme for the day.
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South West Behaviour Conference: Behind the Behaviour takes place next week!
06 November 2017
"This conference will get to grips with what works and what doesn™t by providing best practice case studies, proven strategies and tried and tested techniques that you can take straight back into your school."

‹Standards of behaviour remain a significant challenge for many schools and the number of exclusions in the South West shows the upward trend which mirrors the national picture. As clarified in the government™s independent review into behaviour in schools earlier in 2017, we now have evidence to show that the biggest positive impact on managing behaviour is to create a culture that maximises the learning and experience of all pupils. Fundamental to this is the ability to see beyond the behaviour and to understand the root causes.

What will delegates gain from attending?

¢An overview of the best practice, case studies, and practice in outstanding behaviour management
¢Tried and tested techniques to defuse situations in an instant
¢Opportunities to clarify proven strategies to boost attendance and punctuality
¢Methods to develop and communicate collaborative whole-school behaviour plans
¢Practical and interactive methods to sustain behaviour improvements
¢Invaluable opportunity to network and share best practice with peers

Delegates will also explore other factors which impact on the social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils through a range of workshops including; Domestic Violence and Abuse, Attachment and Relationships, Restorative Approaches,Self-Harm and Anxiety and Creating Successful Behavioural Plans.

Who should attend the South West Behaviour Conference?

This conference is designed for staff working directly with children and young people. In particular we would encourage Headteachers, Senior Leaders, Educational Psychologist, Teachers, Pastoral Leaders, SENCOs, HLTAs and Teaching Assistants from primary and secondary phases to attend this event.

Key note speakers at this conference include our authors, Nina Jackson and Jarlath O™Brien.

Click here for more information on the event.

Click here to book online NOW!
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“What The Best Schools Do To Be The Best” conference takes place tomorrow!
06 November 2017
Professor John Hattie returns to Scotland this autumn to help unpick the ultimate paths to school transformation.

Throughout this conference you will:

Discover the foundations of Visible Learning research and how it is being used by schools today to improve learner progress.

Learn how to align frameworks and platforms to make your school a top performer, whilst building collegiality and trust.

Connect with leading educators on how they made a difference at system, school and classroom level.

Understand how collective efficacy can transform collaboration from hit and miss to harbinger of improvement.

Click here for more information on the conference and the chance to book your place today!

Click here to view all of the guest speakers attending the conference.

Prepare yourselves and click here to view the timetable for the conference.
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'Who are these children who inhabit our classrooms?' by Hywel Roberts
06 November 2017
‹Click here to read the full article in TES by author, Hywel Roberts.

Click here to view all publication authored/co-authored by Hywel Roberts.

Hywel is also co-author of a forthcoming publication 'Uncharted Territories' - Click here for more information and to pre-order your very own copy now!
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The Visible Learning Plus Foundation Day Conference is taking place tomorrow!
05 November 2017
Join Professor John Hattie for a guide to gaining maximum impact through focusing on what works best, not simply what works.

What You Will Learn:

  • The main factors that influence student learning

  • The processes that maximise the impact of all your decisions

  • What collective efficacy is, and why it is integral to effective professional development

What You Will Be Able To Do:

  • Make decisions based on what you know for certain will lead to a growth in student achievement

  • Ensure all pupils make at least one year™s progress for one year™s input

  • Take clear steps to evaluate the impact of what every one does in your school

Click here for more information on the event.

Click here to view the event brochure.
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