
Mark Finnis has been interviewed by the TES
09 March 2022
"When it comes to behaviour, relationships must be at the heart of school policy, Mark Finnis tells Tes. Here, he explains how restorative practice embodies this ethos."
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'A Head Full of Ethos' has been reviewed by UKEdChat
08 March 2022
"Spread over 5 very informative chapters, Armando sets out the crucial steps that are required when working towards a positive school culture."
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Tim Brghouse and Mick Waters have been on Edufuturists podcast
08 March 2022
"In this episode we have two powerhouses of education who have written an epic book ‘About Our Schools’."
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'The Ladder' has been included in an article in Careermag
07 March 2022
Written by Andrew ‘Bernie’ Bernard, The Ladder: Supporting students towards successful futures and confident career choices contains everything educators need to know in order to be effective advocates for young people and their future aspirations, pathways and career aims.
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Drew Howard has written an article for Headteacher Update
07 March 2022
"The cooperative learning approach allows pupils to practise their knowledge and skills and is guided by ‘CLIPs’. In this article, Drew Howard explains how to introduce this approach to your primary school. As a school leader, I have seen the power of cooperative learning and Cooperative Learning Interactive Patterns (CLIPs) to help improve pupils’ engagement, outcomes, and behaviour."
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Tim Brighouse has been on a podcast with the Centre for Education & Youth
06 March 2022
"In this premier episode, Baz speaks to school improvement icon Sir Tim Brighouse. Sir Tim’s impressive career has spanned roles as a school secondary teacher, deputy headteacher, Professor of Education at Keele University, Chief Education Officer in both Oxfordshire and Birmingham Local Authorities, Schools Commissioner for London, and Chief Adviser for London Schools."
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