
'Where’s the curiosity and debate?'
03 May 2022
"The trouble with schools at the moment is that they are surrounded by a society which seems to frown upon curiosity, critical thinking and the art of debate. Are schools following suit?"
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Whodunnit? Crimefest children's event with Anthony Kessel and Ella Risbridger 14/05/22
30 April 2022
"If you're aged 7-13 and a fan of detective stories, mysteries and crime fiction then here's your chance to quiz two of the best writers around."
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Terence Watts is quoted in an article on Men's Fitness
29 April 2022
Terence is quoted in the article discussing how BWRT can help people suffering from PTSD and how it can be less emotionally painful compared with other treatments like CBT.
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Fantastic news! 'Bringing Forth the Bard' by Zoe Enser is now available!
27 April 2022
Written by Zoe Enser, Bringing Forth the Bard: A guide to teaching Shakespeare in the English classroom links together the golden threads which run through Shakespeare’s work and highlights how teachers can best explore these with students.
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'Education must agree its purpose - or remain a polarised profession'
27 April 2022
"After a Twitterstorm erupted after their last article, Tim Brighouse and Mick Waters worry about how quick education is to polarise itself, especially at a time when agreeing education's key purpose is needed more than ever."
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'Square Pegs' by Fran Morgan and Ellie Costello is coming this September!
27 April 2022
A book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.
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