
What do Heads of Year actually do?
20 October 2020
'Most secondary schools have them, but it™s not always clear as to what a head of year™s pastoral responsibilities should involve, says Stephen Lane...'

Read the full article here.

Find out more about Stephen's new book Beyond Wiping Noses here.
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Classroom distractions – What task-switching does to students’ attention spans
20 October 2020
'When getting students to concentrate, teachers should be aware of both the biological factors beyond their control, and the social distractions that are very much within their power to tackle...'

Read the full article here.
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Cognitive Load Theory and Beyond Wiping Noses have been reviewed!
20 October 2020
‹Steve Garnett has a piece in the magazine and his new book Cognitive Load Theory receives a review, which you can read in the reviews section of the book page here.

Stephen Lane's Beyond Wiping Noses has also been reviewed, which you can find on the book page here.
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The Complete Learner's Toolkit has been reviewed!
16 October 2020
‹Read the full review on the UKEdChat website here. Find out more about The Complete Learner's Toolkit and read other great reviews and a sample chapter here.
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'The Uncertainty Principle' has won an award in the Teach Secondary Awards 2020
15 October 2020
The trigger for this programme was 18th March when the Government announced that every school was effectively closing until further notice (with the exception of a small number of pupils) due to coronavirus pandemic. 

The programme was designed with two complementary foci. These were:

  • To support all staff with strategies to cope with the challenging situation of school closure and support them to prepare for the huge challenges of re-opening a school following a long period of enforced closure.  This strand of the programme was entitled, ˜The Uncertainty Principle™.

  • Work with leaders at all levels to focus on developing capacity to raise performance in their teams through effective learning.  The lockdown provided a unique opportunity for leaders at the Academy to engage in slow-thinking. Reflecting and analysing key areas that had previously not been fully explored due to operational busy-ness. 

Read more about the project and read the judges' comments here.
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