
Cognitive Load Theory with Steve Garnett
22 October 2020
'In this #UKEdChat discussion, which took place on Thursday 22nd October 2020 at 8pm(UK), and during our free UKEdChat After Hours Webinar at 9pm, we discussed how CLT can help educators declutter their instructional design to maximise the focus of the important essentials to improve learning.' Find out more and watch the webinar here.
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Barry Hymer introduces Chess Improvement
21 October 2020
‹Watch the video here.

Find great reviews and read a sample chapter from Chess Improvement here.
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School qualifications – Are we teaching students the skills they need in today’s world?
21 October 2020
'Are GCSEs failing to deliver the creative and personal skills young people need to adapt and survive in tomorrow's job market, asks author Martin Illingworth...'

Read the full article here.

Find out more about Forget School here.
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Oops! Audio Book - available to order.
21 October 2020
Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally

This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It™s about the dance that happens behind positive engagement - the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen - and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students.

Order your copy here.

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Teaching New Content
20 October 2020
'Teaching New Content: Solving a teaching challenge using Cognitive Load Theory principles'

Take this scenario: The English teacher has a new Shakespearean play to teach the class. The class haven™t studied the play before so they are all complete novices. The teacher is interested in what may be the most efficient teaching approaches that could allow more pupils to learn more than they would under ˜normal™ teaching conditions. CLT can help!

To read the full article, click on the link above. To find out more about Steve's new book 'Cognitive Load Theory', click here.
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The Complete Learner's Toolkit has been reviewed!
20 October 2020
In The Complete Learner™s Toolkit, Jackie Beere has drawn on her extensive experience to help teachers realign their teaching, learning and motivational strategies to engage students at all levels. 

Jackie emphasises the developing importance for schools to refocus on the skills and strategies that learners will need within the changing economic climate and the new agenda in terms of opportunities for employment. She builds upon the growth mindset ideas of Carol Dweck linked to character traits such as tenacity, determination and resilience. She also extends the framework for teaching and learning by addressing the ten key skills identified by the World Economic Forum, such as learning strategies, problem-solving, critical thinking and leadership as the cornerstones of the new learning culture. 

The book provides a range of practical, tried-and-tested tasks “ for example, the sections on metacognition and mastering memory is a clear indication of the application of theory into practice within the learning arena “ and many readers will find the glossary of useful terms an added plus, too. 

The format, content and illustrations of this thought-provoking and stimulating resource make it a real pleasure to read, and I recommend it to all schools.

John T Morris BA(Hons),MEd,MPhil,DipPsych,CertEd, MOTIV82ASPIRE

Read more great reviews and a sample chapter here.
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