
Oops! Audio Book - available to order.
28 October 2020
Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally

This book is about engaging learners in great learning. It™s about the dance that happens behind positive engagement - the cool moves and steps a teacher needs to choreograph in order to create a context where great learning can happen - and about the importance of relationships in engagement and how rapport can be learned. The book also shines a spotlight on the role of the teacher and how he or she can do the right things to get the absolute best from students.

Order your copy here.

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Imperfect Leadership has been reviewed!
27 October 2020
‹'He reminds readers that leadership requires risk-taking and moral purpose and that it is a privilege undertaken with the understanding that the positive impact can be far-reaching.' Visit Imperfect Leadership's page read the full review and to find a sample chapter from the book.
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Languages Today have reviewed two our of MFL titles
26 October 2020
‹Read the full reviews here. Both books are included in our NQT30 offer which runs until December 31st. To take advantage of 30% with free UK shipping, just use the code NQT30 at checkout.

Find out more about Making Every MFL Lesson Count here.

Find out more about Fun Learning Activities for Modern Foreign Languages here.
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Oops! Audio book is now live on audible
23 October 2020
Find an Audible sample on the Amazon page for Oops! here.
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Assess, plan, do, review
22 October 2020
'Best practice involves meeting pupils™ SEN through implementing the graduated approach using the assess, plan, do, review cycle. SEN expert Natalie Packer considers the teacher™s role and offers some practical advice.'

Read the full article here.

Find out more about Natalie's books, The Teacher's Guide to SEN and The Perfect SENCO.
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