
Dr Alexia Barrable's new book Independent thinking on Nature-Based Learning is now available to purchase.
28 September 2022
Independent Thinking on Nature-Based Learning: Improving learning and well-being by teaching with nature in mind is an engaging and insightful take on how educators can deliver more outdoor- and nature-oriented learning opportunities for the benefit of their pupils’ mental and physical well-being.
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Richard James writes for the School Management Plus website.
27 September 2022
Chess enthusiast and author Richard James shares an article about chess being played in schools for the School Management Plus website.
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Armando Di-Finizio shares his views on the curriculum content of schools in his latest blog
27 September 2022
Armando Di-Finizio shares his views on the curriculum content of schools and 'What do our children need to flourish? Part 1 – Putting the curriculum into context'
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‘It’s Time to Get Creative’, Anthony Kessel writes for BACP’s Children, Young People and Families journal
23 September 2022
Anthony Kessel has written an article for the BACP’s Children, Young People and Families journal
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Colin Diamond's The Birmingham Book receives a review on leading education website
23 September 2022
Leading education book review site, UKEdChat offers a fascinating review of Colin Diamond's The Birmingham Book: lessons in urban education leadership and policy from the Trojan Horse affair.
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