"I like the emphasis on effective change management, the practical advice on how to navigate potential resistance from those who may feel threatened, the focus on middle leaders™ capacity to make a contribution to system leadership, and the section on preparing to move into senior leadership. Lowe™s probing questions and specific examples, scenarios and case studies encourage honest and productive reflection on the part of the reader as they process their learning. He also explores how developing leaders learn from both positive and negative role models, and delves into the importance of the key dispositions of civility, humility, honesty, empathy, fairness and integrity.
I would have found this book an invaluable guide when I moved into my first middle leadership role, and can recommend it to those currently managing that transition."
“ Jill Berry, leadership consultant, former head teacher and author of Making the Leap
Discover ˜Middle Leadership for 21st Century Schools™ by Bill Lowe and purchase your copy here now!