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Published: June 2024
Format: Paperback
Size: 297 x 210mm
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781785837067

Rhageriau gan Professor Dame Alison Peacock ac Andreas Schleicher.

Wedi'i ysgrifennu gan dîm o arweinwyr meddwl, ymchwilwyr ac awduron, mae Meddwl Creadigol mewn Ysgolion: Llyfr Chwaraelyfr i Arweinwyr yn llyfr ymarferol a rhyngweithiol sy’n cyflwyno dealltwriaeth am arweinyddiaeth ysgol gyda phrofiad dwfn o feithrin meddwl creadigol ym mhob agwedd o fywyd ysgol a hyrwyddo arferion dysgu creadigol yn y ddosbarth.

Mae’r llyfr yma wedi cael ei gyhoeddi i gydredeg efo canlyniadau profion cyntaf byd-eang PISA ar feddwl yn greadigol, y ‘Creativity Collaboratives’ sydd yn gweithredu yn Lloegr, a’r pwysigrwydd cynyddol ar feddwl creadigol yn fyd-eang. Mae Meddwl Creadigol mewn Ysgolion yn egluro sut gall arweinwyr ysgolion annog ei staff i sefydlu meddwl creadigol mewn pob agwedd o fywyd ysgol. Mae’n cynnig fframwaith i wneud hwn sy’n seiliedig ar y model Pump Arfer Creadigol a ddatblygwyd gan y Centre for Real-World Learning. Mae’r fframwaith yn pwysleisio datblygu dysgwyr sy’n chwilfrydig, dyfalbarhaus, cydweithredol, disgybledig a dychmygus. 

Yn seiliedig ar ymchwil a dadansoddiadau o ysgolion ar draws y byd, gan gynnwys astudiaethau fanwl ar bumdeg ysgol yn Lloegr yn ddiweddar, mae Meddwl Creadigol mewn Ysgolion yn cynnig ystod eang o adnoddau hygyrch ac enghreifftiau ymarferol. Maent yn cefnogi arweinwyr i fyfyrio ar ei phrif amcanion, deall y newidiadau sydd angen ei wneud er mwyn sefydlu meddwl creadigol yn ei ysgolion, datblygu arweinwyr o fewn ei staff, hwyluso datblygiad eu hathrawon, cynllunio, addysgu ac asesu meddwl yn greadigol, a gweithio gyda phartneriaid allanol, wrth ddatblygu cymuned ddysgu broffesiynol bywiog.

Ynghyd â gwefan sy'n cynnwys deunyddiau ac astudiaethau achos ychwanegol y gellir eu lawrlwytho, mae'r llyfr yn dod â chymuned o arweinwyr ac athrawon ledled y byd at ei gilydd i gysylltu â'i gilydd a rhannu eu profiadau er mwyn datblygu, lledaenu, ymestyn a gwerthuso meddwl creadigol o fewn ac ar draws ysgolion.

Bydd Meddwl Creadigol mewn Ysgolion yn cefnogi cymuned o arweinwyr ac athrawon sy’n gweld meddwl creadigol fel pwrpas craidd o fewn addysg ac sydd â diddordeb mewn ei wneud yn flaenoriaeth yn eu hysgolion. Bydd yn annog disgyblion i ddatblygu eu creadigrwydd o fewn y dosbarth, gan ganiatáu i genedlaethau’r dyfodol i ffynnu mewn byd sy’n fwyfwy cymhleth.

Mae Meddwl Creadigol mewn Ysgolion wedi cael i gefnogi gan y Mercers Company, Creativity, Culture and Education a’rArts Council of Wales.

Addas i arweinwyr ysgolion a gwneuthurwyr polisi sy’n gweld meddwl creadigol fel pwrpas craidd o fewn addysg.

Yn gynnwys:

Rhagair gan Andreas Schleicher

Rhagair gan Professor Dame Alison Peacock




Rhan 1: Rhybudd

Rhan 2: Chwarae’r Gêm o Ddysgu


Picture for author Bill Lucas

Bill Lucas

Professor Bill Lucas is Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester and, with Ellen Spencer, the originator of a model of creativity in use in schools across the world. A global thought-leader, Bill was co-chair of the PISA 2022 test of creative thinking and curates the Creativity Exchange website.

Building Learning Power with The Learning Organisation.

Read Bill's article in FE Week.

UKEdChat Podcast - Episode 13 - Teaching Creative Thinking.

Click here to read Bill Lucas' interview in Nursery World.

Click here to read Bill Lucas' article - Teaching creative thinking: Advice and examples'.

Click here to read another article by Bill Lucas - Why knowledge isn't enough'.

Read Bill's article in TES An open letter to Nick Gibb: 5 myths about creativity

Picture for author Ellen Spencer

Ellen Spencer

Dr Ellen Spencer is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Real-World Learning and, with Bill Lucas, author of Teaching Creative Thinking. Ellen is also a Researcher for Arts Council England's Creativity Collaboratives, a three-year project to test a range of innovative practices in teaching for creativity in schools.

UKEdChat Podcast - Episode 13 - Teaching Creative Thinking.

Picture for author Louise Stoll

Louise Stoll

Dr Louise Stoll is Professor of Professional Learning at the UCL Centre for Education, IOE and an international consultant, focusing on how school and system leaders create capacity for learning. Louise is a former president of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement and has worked with the OECD on several initiatives. She has co-developed many materials supporting leaders to connect research evidence and practice.

Picture for author Di Fisher-Naylor

Di Fisher-Naylor

Di Fisher-Naylor is the Director of Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE), the UK based international creative learning foundation. She is a specialist in programme design, implementation and quality assurance and in professional learning for school leaders, teachers and creative professionals. Di has supported creative learning programmes across the world. Di dropped out of school early and is passionate about the importance of developing creative thinking skills in all children but particularly those from socio-economic disadvantaged families.

Picture for author Sian James

Sian James

Sian James manages a national creative learning programme with the Arts Council of Wales and has supported over 700 schools and their teachers to explore innovative pedagogy and prepare for the introduction of a new expansive curriculum. Having gained her Masters at Trinity College, Sian started out as a television researcher, going on to spend over a decade working within Communications for the Arts and Heritage sector in Wales. Sian is passionate about the arts, and the sector’s positive engagement with education.

Picture for author Nia Richards

Nia Richards

Nia Richards has been designing and supporting professional learning in creativity since 2015, firstly, as Regional Lead for a national programme in Wales and currently as Programme Manager for Creativity, Culture and Education. She was a classroom teacher for 13 years in secondary and further education, she also has an MA in Practitioner Research.

Picture for author Katy Milne

Katy Milne

Katy Milne is Programme Manager at CCE (Creativity, Culture and Education). Katy has cultivated educational practice through an enquiry-based approach to creative learning and personal development, which has had a positive impact on learning outcomes across schools and networks internationally. Previously Cultural Programme Officer for South Tyneside Council and Director of Arts and Creativity at Greenfield Arts for 16 years, Katy has a Masters in Education and a PGC in Innovative Curriculum and Pedagogy which informs approaches to developing creative learning.


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