James Handscombe explains the ethos behind Harris Westminster Sixth Form

Friday, 3 September 2021

Last year, Westminster public school got 71 of its pupils into Oxbridge (private, £10,497 per term for day sixth-formers). In the same year, Harris Westminster (state, £0 per term) got 36 in from a cohort about twice the size.


This Spectator article explains why the ethos behind Harris Westminster has contributed towards this success, and headteacher James Handscombe provides an insight into what the school expects from its pupils. 


Read the article here


James’ new book A School Built on Ethos takes readers through the school’s development and illustrates its journey by sharing a selection of the assemblies that have underpinned and elucidated its ethos.

In doing so he offers guidance on how such a staple of school life can be used to shape a community, and shares transferable lessons on how assemblies can be planned and delivered effectively.

Find out more and get your copy here.

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