Inspiring Leadership Conference 2017 commences tomorrow!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Inspiring Leadership 2017

Inspiring Leadership moves into its fourth year and has established itself as a key annual event for leaders to meet, share ideas and get inspired!

Over three days (Wednesday lunchtime to Friday lunchtime), the conference covers real depth and breadth, with themes including innovation, leadership, partnership, development and technology. A carefully curated programme of thought-provoking speakers and practical masterclasses gives a fresh perspective on leadership, both within and beyond the education sector.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet your peer group, share experiences and exchanges views and ideas to take back to the workplace. Delegates also have unrivalled access to updates on technology, products and services to improve their work environment via the extensive exhibition.

At the ICC in the centre of Birmingham, the venue is easily accessible by public transport, with hotel accommodation just a short walk away.

Previous speakers include Dr Yong Zhao, Benjamin Zander, conductor of the Boston Philharmonic, Alastair Campbell, Lord William Hague, Matthew Syed, Ben Page of Ipsos Mori and philosopher Alain de Botton.

Click here to view the event programme and here to book your last minute place!

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