Happiful magazine includes a feature about The Wolf was Not Sleeping: Police Care UK edition in their June issue:

01 July 2022

Charity launches new bedtime story to support children of first responders.

"It’s no surprise that being a parent and first responder comes with its challenges. Naturally, children may find it difficult to understand the day-to-day aspects of their parent’s job, which can lead to concerns regarding their whereabouts and safety. In a bid to help children navigate their emotions, and enable parents to feel better equipped to address their concerns, charity Police Care UK teamed up with bestselling author Avril McDonald to launch the bedtime story The Wolf was Not Sleeping: Police Care UK edition." 

The Police Care UK edition is a new resource designed to help Police workers and first responders support children who may be worried about their parents’ safety while at work. 
You can read the article The Wolf was Not Sleeping in the June issue of Happiful magazine here
Discover more about Avril's enchanting new book here

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